Gender indentity and sexual orientation.

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01 Apr 2016, 7:51 am

Being a trans woman it comes as no suprise that I would like men the same way that a cisgender woman would. However, being a woman who grew up most of her life thinking she was 'just a guy', some of my masculine tendencies still remain, although not as prevelant as they were before.

At first I though that I would be end up being a trans woman, but it seems that whever I still see women (usually the fictional kind) I feel a somwhat sexual desire to fall in love with them. I can't tell if it's my testostenrone kicking in and out of my body every once once and while or that I migt be a biaexual.

However, as soon as I remembered this exempt from WebMD's take on gender dysphoria...

Gender dysphoria is not homosexuality. Your internal sense of your gender is not the same as your sexual orientation.


So I guess I might be bisexual after all? :roll:

I stillcan't help but feel slightly embarrassed; fearing that I might come out as some some sort of hypocrite to the eyes of the general pulbic. Come to think, I'll come out as more than just that being transgender. :roll:

So should I be ashamed thag I still like girls after all this time? I still like boys too. And the reason I feel confused about this is that I think it would be better to get used to guys first since, once I transition both socially and biologically, the first people I might attract are, after all, men. Unless of course, thet are lesbians around in which that case I think it might be okay?

Just help me out however you can! :?

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01 Apr 2016, 8:26 am

Whatever floats your boat, floats your boat.


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01 Apr 2016, 9:40 am

Like whoever you want.


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01 Apr 2016, 10:12 am

I think you are worrying too much about conforming to a certain identity. You feel that since you are trans, you must be like and feel like you imagine most others do. I feel you are doing yourself a disservice if you are worrying so much about how you should feel, based upon what you think transwomen feel, rather than focusing on how you actually feel.

I think it would be unwise to box yourself into a certain category just because you want to be like everyone else.


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01 Apr 2016, 10:58 am

Yigeren wrote:
I think you are worrying too much about conforming to a certain identity. You feel that since you are trans, you must be like and feel like you imagine most others do. I feel you are doing yourself a disservice if you are worrying so much about how you should feel, based upon what you think transwomen feel, rather than focusing on how you actually feel.

I think it would be unwise to box yourself into a certain category just because you want to be like everyone else.

Thank you so much! :) :heart: I'll that into account the next time I feel confused about this.

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01 Apr 2016, 11:32 am

Don't worry about what other people think, so be true to your own feelings. I've been learning this lesson for awhile, and I am getting better! :heart: :D

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01 Apr 2016, 12:58 pm

If it is somehow inconsistent or illegitimate for a trans woman to be bi- then it would be equally so for cis women who are bi-, too. Also, around a third of all trans people are bi, a third are het, and a third are gay. There are some who wonder (based on data available) if those figures might not be true for cis people, too, except they are so trained into believing in a sex/gender binary that the vast middle of the bell curve is forced to conform to expectations ; LGBT people at the extremes have already had to let go of that social baggage in order to be themselves.

Be yourself. It's time for you to have fun with relationships / crushes / lust. See who smells good to you. Follow your heard.

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