Did we evolve from apes, or are we made from dirt and ribs?

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03 Apr 2016, 11:46 pm

According to the bible we were made out of dirt and ribs and there was a talking snake and the world was only 6000 years old. However we have physical evidence as well as genetic evidence as well as fossils proving that we are apes and evolved from apes and the missing link has been found, not to mention we have used potassium argon dating to determine the age of the earth and not carbon dating. The geometric dating known as potassium argon dating is 100% correct!

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04 Apr 2016, 12:03 am

I believe the Bible.

Me grumpy?
I'm happiness challenged.

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Darn, I flunked.


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04 Apr 2016, 12:16 am

from what I've read, scientists say a 6000 year old earth is not consistent with known physical laws. I trust the scientists more than I trust some religious fanatics who throughout history have usurped power from the people for their self-aggrandizement.


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04 Apr 2016, 3:09 am

We evolved from Elves, and are evolving into Orcs.

The Bible is better history than the people who try to date it, 4004 BC on a Tuesday afternoon is not in the Bible.

To the Hindu an age of the lesser gods, a Yuga, is but a single breath of Bramin.

He made the Earth in six days, fits with the Sumarian and the Mayan and Aztec, who claimed that many ages before the current Earth, that just ended.

On the seventh day he rested, does fit the Holocene which has been exceptionally quite.

By Sumarian, Mayan, Aztec reckoning, an age is fifty 52 year Venus Sun cycles. 26,000 years.

Besides being the exact time it take for the Axis to make a circle and return to Polaris as the Pole Star, it also matches the age of Meteor strikes which left large craters.

The whole Age of Creation matches the Genetic record of humans. 180,000 years.

Something must have existed before then, but we do not call them human.

We do not find any human cultural artifacts before 52,000 years ago.

Naked, living in small family groups, never bathed.

A key part of the story, one day Adam and Eve awoke and said, hey, we are naked!

The Breath of God that gave them life gave them self awareness, Hey Eve, we exist, and we are naked.

Call it what you want, they became aware that they had been created.

Sapien sapien, the wise ape who knows he is wise.

All of the fruit I give you except the fruit of one tree, the knowledge of good and evil, that you shall not eat.

The serpent is an energy that speaks to the mind, and Eve did eat. She learned of good and lying about the rest. Then she wanted Adam to share her guilt. God knew, and demanded of Adam, what have you done? Adam said, the woman fed it to me, and I have learned of good and situational ethics.

God was very displeased, and cast them out of the garden. Since then God has had nothing to do with their spawn. God only speaks to their failings.

While exact dates are never coming, the breath of God did give self awareness, a Buddhist ultimate of being, which they corrupted with a false idea of good and evil, and that lead to thinking like Lawyers.

While they are fallen, were cast out of the garden, they still have self awareness, know they were created, but are ethics impaired. They suffered for it, as their first two children, one killed the other, denied it, then went into the land of Nod. They had more children who also had children, and the behavior continued through all generations.

A few were seen as Righteous by God, a very few. In the days of Noah God decided to kill them all. Only Noah, his wife and family, and their spouses were saved. Evil and stupidity continued in that line.

Genetics and evolution do not express the nature of the beast. The Bible shows that, and the struggle against being themselves.

Science does not cover becoming self aware, realizing that some process created them, and that they fell short of their own ideal behavior. They admit their failings, know they do wrong, but still try to use self control to be Righteous in the eyes of their Creator.

This is a much deeper and richer story than Science.


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04 Apr 2016, 4:41 am

A fact that critics of religious beliefs conveniently ignore is that the stars that aided in our existence, and that of the earth, are local in our star system and are the most ancient stars in the universe.



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04 Apr 2016, 5:08 am

Dear Atheists, Genesis is mostly parable and meant to be read as such. All non-fundy Christians need to take from the creation story is:
Firstly the understanding that the world/universe is created and man, a product of a created universe is by extension created himself. It need not conflict with evolution.
Secondly they need some understanding of what the Catholics call Original Sin, or the fallen nature of man, that no one is incapable of evil. That's all.

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04 Apr 2016, 5:14 am

I believe in science. I believe in what makes sense. Christianity does not make sense to me, and not just because of the stuff in Genesis. The idea of a god creating the world and the other major parts of Christianity I find to be illogical but it's really complicated to explain my thought processes, and I'm pretty sure that nobody wants to hear it.


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04 Apr 2016, 5:27 am

I'm happy to listen and argue, I'm not really a Christian myself, but I enjoy defending the faith these days, perhaps it's contrition for the boilerplate atheist-speak I used to spout as a teenager.

The idea of a god creating the world and the other major parts of Christianity I find to be illogical

As for a created universe, knowledge doesn't come into it and without knowledge, there can be no logic, it's either created or it's not. Without any hints either way, we have to make a choice and have to live assuming the universe is whatever we chose.

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04 Apr 2016, 5:37 am

I'm an agnostic atheist, which basically means that I feel that there is no proof for a god or afterlife, and that I refuse to make up my mind about it without any kind of evidence. Christianity in itself is totally illogical from my point of view, as are most religions.

But the explanation is really philosophical and complicated. It will turn into a ten-page essay. My beliefs as to what religious things are likely or possible are very complex, and more based on eastern religions than anything.

And I will go on for hours. I never shut up. :lol:


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04 Apr 2016, 8:13 am

No I don't believe we are from dust and ribs otherwise we would be androids like out of terminator franchise we didn't evolve from apes we still are apes who diverged from a common ancestor about 3 million years ago. No we are a species of great ape.


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04 Apr 2016, 1:17 pm

Are we transformed apes, or are we transformed mud?

The answer is "yes". Both of those things.

Four billion years ago the first living cell formed out of the primordial ooze in the sea (you could call it "mud").

Then for the next four billion years that cell multiplied,evolved, and diversified. Went through countess stages (prokariote to eukariote, single cell to multicellular,invertabrate, and so on.

And then in the last brief moments we went through an ape stage (technically we are still a type of African Ape), and then became human.

Genesis leaves out the intermediary steps (and the date is quite a bit off), and just goes from mud to human in one step, but Genesis is not actually exactly incorrect in saying that humans "were fashioned out of mud".


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04 Apr 2016, 1:47 pm

We evolved from ape-like creatures.

We and the Australopithecines broke off from the "main line" about 5-6 million years ago. Then we broke off from the Australopithecine line about 2-3 million year ago, becoming the genus Homo.

Yes, we also evolved from the "primordial dirt."


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04 Apr 2016, 2:00 pm

Abiogenesis is a different question from evolution. Although it is confused by the biblical notion we were created from scratch, despite the evidence to the contrary.

Regarding "from dust", that is not much less complete than "primordial soup". the differnce is the divine intervention and also when it happen and what it created.

It is more credible that simple lifeforms preceded more complex ones, and we can see through the genetic code the relations.


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04 Apr 2016, 2:02 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
Genesis leaves out the intermediary steps (and the date is quite a bit off), and just goes from mud to human in one step, but Genesis is not actually exactly incorrect in saying that humans "were fashioned out of mud".

"Ooze" could be in the atmosphere not necessarily in the sea. The sea is a popular hypothesis due to geothermic activity.


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04 Apr 2016, 2:05 pm

I, myself, don't know precisely HOW.

But life emanated from proteins, from DNA, things like that, I believe.

Evolution has been proven pretty much beyond a shadow of a doubt.

The primary machinations evolution came from the sea, and came to the land. It took a while--probably 4 billion years or so.


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04 Apr 2016, 2:38 pm

I believe advanced beings intervened in our evolution, accelerating it greatly.