I go one of two ways depending on the situation. They are brought on by several reasons, usually sensory overloads. When tired, I am most vulnerable. But, it's like things just start building up. And then one minor thing can be the thing that makes everything else just get released.
Example 1.) Was on the train one day. A lot of things had been going on. On the train, at a stop, an entire class of screaming, high pitched kids with no personal boundaries got on. Two scrawny kids were 'manspreading' so much that I could not withdraw far enough into the railing to keep from being touched. Other kids were swinging around me on the poles, banging into me on all sides and just being kids. But that was a shutdown as I missed my stop and had to go back a couple because I was kinda closed off for a while after they got off. They weren't on for but a few stops, but it was the thing that kicked me over the edge. That was in Brooklyn. I was almost to midtown when I got back on the other direction. So, about 25 minutes of shutdown.
Example 2.) Last major meltdown was in Shekou. I had worked for three days almost straight to meet my self imposed deadline of getting three games published before I left. If I didn't, I would lose three weeks while in China. Massive crowds, 16.5 hour flight, 1 hour wait for the ferry from Hong Kong to Shekou, getting to the hotel, and when I went to get my tablet out of my computer case, it was gone and I lost it. I got loud, profane. My wife was looking at me in horror and all I could feel was anger because it didn't seem like she took my worry serious. I started going through bags to find the tablet, just tossing stuff out, dropping breakables (didn't break, but what a scene). My hearing got wonky and my vision got wierd...sorta like a fisheye effect, but not so pronounced. I was paniced and all I could think about was getting back home. I stormed out of the hotel with only my laptop bag and started walking back to the ferry landing to go back home. I got out about 45 minutes away and realized my passport and ticket information was in my wife's possession. So, I had to walk back. It was that hour or so that I calmed down and walked off the aggression. But, by god, I was going back to NYC no matter what until I realized I actually couldn't. And, it took almost an hour of walking to realize that.
Example 3.) Outbursts are usually caused by inconsistencies that I cannot get resolved or is the type of thing that gets to me, but, is minor to other people. The difference is that there is no panic or sensory convolution. Just anger and getting really, really loud.
When younger, I have slapped people. I will not punch them unless I have been assaulted first, then, look out.
I too have put my fist through walls, picked things up and just beat something with it. I slammed a phone down once so hard it tore the receiver off the wall. For the youngsters...that was when we only had land lines.
I have broken things, torn things up and it's amazing I haven't been put away at times.
It is something I live with. And even though I now know there was a real reason for this, I still feel shame for it. It has cost me so much.
Diagnosed April 14, 2016
ASD Level 1 without intellectual impairments.
RAADS-R -- 213.3
FQ -- 18.7
EQ -- 13
Aspie Quiz -- 186 out of 200
AQ: 42
AQ-10: 8.8