Joined: Apr 25, 2005
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Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 9:31 am
Post subject: Where does out and out
lying play into Asperger's?
Does anyone have this kind of trouble
with their Aspies? I don't recall seeing that
lying is one of the symptoms of Aspergers
and I suspect lying has nothing to do with
Does anyone have a child who out and out
lies about homework, claiming is has been
done, when he knows that I and his father
correspond with ALL of his teachers about
homework and that we are going to find out
that not only did he not do his assignments,
but he also blatantly lied to us, anyway?
We will mention this to his psychiatrist when
next we see has been going on for
too long now, that it seems pathological.
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Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 10:32 am
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I did that, and I'm aspie. We do lie, but we
do it badly.
Try to find out why he is anxious enough about
the homework to lie about it. (I usually have to
be very anxious before I will lie, because it does
go against my grain and niggle at me).
When I lied about homework, it was because I
didn't understand the work, and noone could explain
it to me in a way that I could comprehend, or it was
frankly overwhelming, or, it was so stupid-simple
that I found it insufferably boring and unnecessary.
I was sort of snobby in that I found a lot of work
beneath me, and given my ability at the time, it
probably was, but ignoring the work made my
grades suffer.
My son (who has a lot of aspie aspects) also lies
about his homework, even though he's very bright
and the best reader in his class!! We finally had a
talk with the teacher: now he writes down all
assignments for the day before he leaves school.
She looks at the list, signs it, and he brings it home.
He can't go anywhere or do anythign fun or go online
until the work is finished. If he forgets the list, he
automatically doesn't get to do anythign for that night.
It has worked very, very well.Back to top
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Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 11:20 am
Post subject: Hmmmm?
Technically lying is not a skill most
autistic people exhibit. This is why
It might be pathelogical. Autism
creates obsessive behaviors as coping
Hmmm? What, besides school, and home
work does he obsessively lie about?
These lies will show a possible issue
that he isn't able to express?
most Inquisitive?
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Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 12:03 pm
Post subject:
Being someone who was in that exact same
position that you described some 15 years ago,
I might be able to provide insight.
I lied becasue I often forgot to bring homework
with me to do, often becasue when the day was
done, the thought of simply getting out of school
for the day was so appealing it blocked out all
other thoughts in my mind, and I didn't feel like
dealing with my dad who could be quite vengeful
on such matters.
I lied becasue I couldn't concentrate on doing
homework, thus it wouldn't get done, or got done
poorly, or I wasted so much time on it that I didn't
have ambtion to do anymore.
In the heat of the moment lying was more plausable
for me. I could deal with my parents later, it gave
me time to prep for their rath.
I hope this helps
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Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 1:21 pm
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I still lie about it now, every now and then.
My mom thinks nagging me about homework
will get me to do it. My brother lies about
everything. He does it because he doesn't feel
like doing what needs to be done. Or forgetting,
ADD kid. I don't do homework when I know the
material well enough or think it might be one of
those "trick" assignments ( they tell you to do it,
but never collect or check it, they'll call it practice).
Also when I have no idea how to do it, and can't
bring myself to bs my way through it. Hope I
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Joined: Aug 18, 2004
Posts: 475
Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 2:42 pm
Post subject:
Most people with AS are honest to a fault,
but we can still lie. It seems that most of
you are saying that you can't lie well. For
the most part, I can lie quite well. Just
don't tell my parents. I don't lie often,
though, I'm not fond of doing it.
I don't tell social lies well. For example if someone
asks 'Does this make me look fat?' and it does I
will most likely (if I'm not thinking about my AS)
say yes.
is coming 16/7/05!! !! !! !
inadequecies that make autistic people unique.
inadequecies(This is not often). I find 90% of
inside our heads.
of (we are our worst enemy). I cannot steal your