I know the place near me has open games on Thursdays (which is why I scheduled myself off on Thursdays months ago!! lol), I'm just going to bite the bullet and go in and see if I can avoid a panic attack and not come across as an complete ass hole.
I'm starting out with Space Marines (Dark Angels, because I like the fluff). I've got the Dark Vengeance DA models (along with the Chaos, which I want to trade for another set of DV DA models) plus two more 10 man tactical squads, a vanilla Dreadnought, Venerable Dreadnought, two veteran squads, Interrogator Chaplin and an Imperial Knight (and a Yarrick, because Yarrick).
I want to flesh it out with more Terminators, Drop Pods and two more three man bike squads. I think this will let me have the most flexibility in making new armies.