Angels and Demons are simply a primitive-form of vocabulary for deceased personalities that often unknowingly attach themselves to the still-living of the mortal-realm. Look up the book of Dr. Carl Wickland, Thirty Years Among the Dead, and read it in its entirety. You will get a better idea of what those "things" are.
Iamaparakeet wrote:
Assuming angels and demons exist, what would they be? Interdimensional creatures? Biblically, demons are fallen angels, but what are they? In theology textbooks they're considered as being "incorporeal", though in Genesis at least angels manifested themselves in physical forms resembling humans a few times (even, practically, nuking Sodom and Gomorrah). There's this universe, but could both Heaven and Hell be other three-space dimensions? If these creatures can interfere in our universe, is there any possible way to interfere in theirs? If they were interdimensional creatures, what forces interact in all dimensions and what might be able to kill them if possible? I know this sounds like a stupid set of questions, but I'm sick of my family and everyone and everything I love being destroyed.
You cannot kill them because yes, they are somewhat like an inter-dimensional phenomenon, and frequency technology has something to do with them linking into this particular realm-of-existence. For easier clarity, that you can visualise this better, some sources have leaked out that viewing Jupiter through an extremely high-powered telescope results in being able to see a planet that is not only full of vegetation, but has an entire thriving civilisation. Viewed from the regular light-spectrum, how-ever, they say that it looks like a dead planet, full of poisonous-clouds.
Heaven and Hell are not necessarily material-existences. This is only one universe out of literally thousands. The prophets of the past would have described this universe as being like one room out of many in a mansion. Speaking as one of today's modern-day prophets, and also having much more advanced vocabulary at my disposal than the prophets of the past, I can tell you that absolutely ALL phenomenon of the para-normal nature can actually be explained in technological-vocabulary. Phenomenon that appears to resemble Spirit-Possession can actually be replicated with Psychotronic-Resonance. You CAN interact in THEIR "dimension" to a certain extent, but as far as how you should interact, the best thing to do is to educate them about reality.
I assume that you follow some form of "Christian" denomination, and thus I am guessing that you participate in "prayer" activities, therefore, next time you pray, direct your thoughts to these beings that are causing disruption, let them know that you ARE in fact AWARE of their presence, and that you want to help them be able to find a better existence than their current one. For them to do so, let them know that they need to look up, where they should see a light, and if they cannot see any light, that they should think of any close friends or family members that they may have had. Sometimes, they will become afraid, and think that they are seeing ghosts when people like their grand-parents or other deceased relatives appear, and in such cases it is because they are not aware that they
themselves are
also deceased. Give them the reason why they see deceased relatives, because they, too, have also died long ago, and need to proceed up into The Light where they will find a much happier existence than lingering around this mortal-realm.
I would need more specifics so that I can otherwise explain things in more technological-vocabulary. For now, because I assume that you are amongst the Christian populations, due to what you have written, this "prophetic" advice should suffice for now (I do not currently possess any psychic-powers by the way but I still retain the memories of what it was like when technological-forces once simulated seemingly psychic-experiences during the younger years of my current earth-life).
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