How to properly text a girl... Tips

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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22 May 2016, 9:33 pm

So I hage been talking to a girl from a dating app. Wd had set a date we started talking on the phone then she was texted by me, the wrong text as I am warry that she may not like me. If she does I would tell the other girl and let her figure it out from there. But any how then I sent to long texts. Then I said hey im free to text and junk or talk on the phone if not good nite. 3rd text with no reply.

How if at all can I redeem my self. This girl has said as far as she knows me and if im basicly the same in person she does and probably would like me alot. I told her she is just way too cute and sweet and that I like girls like her and that they turn me to mush meaning they make me into much more of a sweetie then I usually am.

So what to do to show im interested and like her more then the other girl with out being clingy as hell. She knows not of me being an aspie. I was gonna tepl her at the 2nd date if I ever do get one. She hasn't been on the site we met on since I got her number and we started chatting...

She was the type half the time to text back imediately.

I was thinking of texting her tomorrow morining acting like it didnt happen unless she brings it up.

I would text her good morning, I cannot wait for this weekend, I cannot wait to meet you.

Yeah or neigh on that?


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22 May 2016, 11:34 pm

My advice for texting is that you shouldn't double-message a girl. If you text her, and she doesn't reply, don't text keep texting her. People are on their phones everyday. There's no way she won't notice that she got a new text. If she wants to message you back, she will. If she doesn't respond back, it's because she decided not to.

Also, if she's not interested, you can't change that. You just have to respect her decision. If she's only giving one word answers, or she's ignoring lots of your texts, that's a sign that you should move on (not a sign that you should keep typing away).


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23 May 2016, 6:00 am

Something made her no longer like you, it doesn't even have to be something you did; perhaps some other guy she was dating made a move that turned them exclusive.

As a general rule, wait at least 2 days (48 hours) for a second text, if you didn't end your next one with a question.
If a question on the first text, or the second text at all, remains unanswered for another 48 hours (so 96 hours, 4 days total), assume she moved on and do the same; never send a 3rd one

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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23 May 2016, 5:02 pm

Send one message and wait for s response. She'll text you back if she's interested, not text back
If she's not.


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24 May 2016, 4:01 am

Don't bother using dating apps. The girls on them are all full of bs, seriously. They're texting at least 8 other guys besides you. It's not worth even bothering with, seriously.


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24 May 2016, 10:25 am

My advice is to be who you want to be. If you want to text good morning than do it. If she considers you 'clingy', 'creepy' or 'desperate' (three words that should be banned) then you know it would have never worked out. How much time and effort I wasted trying to meet someone at their level when I was dating!

I also agree that if you don't hear back, she isn't interested. Ridiculous that women in today's world think that is being polite rather than coming out and being direct.


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24 May 2016, 10:42 am

Maybe she's busy? I don't always respond to texts immediately. Sometimes I forget about a text until a couple days later.

If she doesn't reply in a few days, you could text her.

I don't really see the point int texting back and forth a bunch with someone you've never met. If you're interested in meeting her, you should set up a time and place to meet.

Also keep in mind that if you've never met each other, the idea that she is required to respond at all to you is kind of crazy if you actually think about it.

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24 May 2016, 9:17 pm

Well, most of them on apps like that don't consider your feelings. That's why you can't get invested. You text and if they text back, they text back. If they don't you text another girl. A lot of time they're talking to other guys and using you as a backup. They won't text you for awhile, then finally text back when their ideal guy looses interest. This is why I hate dating sites and apps.


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24 May 2016, 9:39 pm

GiantHockeyFan wrote:
My advice is to be who you want to be. If you want to text good morning than do it. If she considers you 'clingy', 'creepy' or 'desperate' (three words that should be banned) then you know it would have never worked out. How much time and effort I wasted trying to meet someone at their level when I was dating!

I also agree that if you don't hear back, she isn't interested. Ridiculous that women in today's world think that is being polite rather than coming out and being direct.

I like this. I hate rules. Who made all of these rules. It also depends on how long you have known the person too. I have actually received texts from people I didn't know which means they may have dialed the number wrong and thought it went to the right person. I just do what I feel anymore.

Me grumpy?
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25 May 2016, 8:00 am

CommanderKeen wrote:
Well, most of them on apps like that don't consider your feelings. That's why you can't get invested. You text and if they text back, they text back. If they don't you text another girl. A lot of time they're talking to other guys and using you as a backup. They won't text you for awhile, then finally text back when their ideal guy looses interest. This is why I hate dating sites and apps.

I wish I knew this when I first tried online dating. I was 'monogamous' in that I started off only giving my full attention to one person at a time. I assumed she was doing the same. I also assumed that her 'busy' life was just that: busy with work and/or school. How naïve I was!