GarTog wrote:
I give reasons...
I will give reasons as well, although, I find I rarely do, anymore, as they come across as excuses to some people, and I don't want to be viewed as that. Perhaps, because I have an aversion to people who dont take responsibility for their actions. There is a major difference, however, in giving a reason for something, and making an excuse. If a person or a situation is important to me, I try to work through things until a resolution comes about. I often, introspect, and try to understand where I may have gone wrong, or, if I had, at all. I may express my understanding of the way I have added to a conflict, and take responsibility for my actions. I will feel grateful for the newfound knowledge I possess and will think of ways I can implement it, going forward, but, some people aren't interested in trying to understand. I understand your frustration, ryuunosuke. Can you, perhaps, try to explain to your parents that you are giving them valid reasons, and not making excuses? Perhaps they just need the idea of this, put in front of them, and will understand, and take a different perspective.