I used to work with a very good looking girl called Michelle, she used to flirt outrageously with all of the males and use them to make life easier for herself in the workplace. She was trying her technique out one me, on one particular night, to try and get me to do a small task for her, but I was having non of it.
I was seemingly the only male in the place that was impervious to her powers. Now, I liked her as a person, she was fun and very nice, but I could see her game a mile away and despite the fact that I greatly enjoyed watching her toy with all of the other fellas, there was no way I was going to go along with it.
So she said to me one night, "It doesn't work with you does it?", she didn't actually say what "IT" was that didn't work with me, but we both knew what she was referring to, the flirting and wrapping men around her little finger. "No", I replied. She seemed to find it quite fun to have a more challenging personality in her midst, someone who would simply not engage with her games at all.
So our relationship was very different than all of her other relationships at work, which we both quite enjoyed. I took great pleasure in telling her to, "Take a hike", or "Do it yourself", if she ever bothered to try and use her considerable charm on me.
It was all done in a good natured way. A sort of in-joke, just between us. She knew that I thought the others were just mugs or sheep for doing her running so eagerly, and she would glance over at me every time she cast another spell on a colleague. And I would just smirk and subtly shake my head.
But as far as me flirting goes, I simply have no idea and wouldn't even try.
But I can make people laugh, so I try to use that instead.