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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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30 May 2016, 11:14 am

Does anyone here tend to be a natural flirt or have other people believe you are flirting with them when you aren't? I'm asking this because if I'm an aspie, I'm one of those whose nonverbal language is too friendly, to say the least.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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30 May 2016, 11:32 am

I tend to get along with women more naturally than men, and when I feel comfortable with someone (which isn't often), I get diarrhea of the mouth and share my life story. Combine those two things, and I probably come across as hitting on them, although the verbal onslaught is certainly not well received. I can't help it sometimes though.


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31 May 2016, 2:53 am

This is mainly becouse i'm naturally friendly and chivalrous; in todays day and age, this is seen as flirting or even Nice Guy (TM) behaviour.


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31 May 2016, 3:05 am

Seems to me that to some people, anyone being basically decent = flirtation.
This may not be about you being too friendly and more about others who think too much of themselves, and exclusively in sexual terms.

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02 Jun 2016, 5:01 pm

Be very careful with flirtatious behavior or your own behavior you view as flirtatious. IMO, exhibit such behaviors in moderation.

@ Billy: I too get along better with women more than men, mainly because I have grown up primarily around women, taught to respect women, and everything of the sort. Just like you, I try not to say or do anything out-of context out of fear I might give a woman wrong impressions. However, my current GF and I give people the wrong impressions all the time, primarily for not only our amusement, but also for the amusement of everyone else around us.

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02 Jun 2016, 5:42 pm

I'm definitely NOT an artificial flirt :P


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02 Jun 2016, 6:03 pm

I'm no natural flirt. My problem is that I'm naturally over polite calling women madame and ma'am even when they're my age or younger.


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02 Jun 2016, 6:18 pm

Young women HATE to be called "ma'am" or "madam." It makes them seem old.


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02 Jun 2016, 7:32 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
Young women HATE to be called "ma'am" or "madam." It makes them seem old.

IMO, I've read articles that when young women are addressed like that, some just brush it off regardless of how many times they have been addressed in such ways, therefore making this idea a misconception.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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02 Jun 2016, 8:19 pm

I've actually been told this by many young women!


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02 Jun 2016, 8:33 pm

Yes but usually I don't realize I am flitting into flirtatious territory, I am just very interested in humans whenever I have began getting to know them more deeply, I had a guy start holding my hand after I'd been speaking to him for half an hour in a bar once, my friend had to explain I was sending him signals apparently and I'm straight lol! I usually don't have any ambitions toward getting frisky when I am being enthusiastic and playful, I just like energetic exchanges and humorous textures in communicating as much as I can throw the conversation into the deep end on various topics and become mr serious the next minute.

Sea Gull
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02 Jun 2016, 9:46 pm

DancingCorpse wrote:
Yes but usually I don't realize I am flitting into flirtatious territory, I am just very interested in humans whenever I have began getting to know them more deeply, I had a guy start holding my hand after I'd been speaking to him for half an hour in a bar once, my friend had to explain I was sending him signals apparently and I'm straight lol! I usually don't have any ambitions toward getting frisky when I am being enthusiastic and playful, I just like energetic exchanges and humorous textures in communicating as much as I can throw the conversation into the deep end on various topics and become mr serious the next minute.

I haven't had any women hitting on men but guys...yes. And i'm not being intentionally flirtatious. I can either be cold and aloof to a person or inquisitive and lively. I don't exactly have an inbetween. I like having odd conversation and I apparently give off a silly vibe that encourages men. Cold and aloof is my normal go to because of this.

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03 Jun 2016, 6:13 pm

I used to work with a very good looking girl called Michelle, she used to flirt outrageously with all of the males and use them to make life easier for herself in the workplace. She was trying her technique out one me, on one particular night, to try and get me to do a small task for her, but I was having non of it.

I was seemingly the only male in the place that was impervious to her powers. Now, I liked her as a person, she was fun and very nice, but I could see her game a mile away and despite the fact that I greatly enjoyed watching her toy with all of the other fellas, there was no way I was going to go along with it.

So she said to me one night, "It doesn't work with you does it?", she didn't actually say what "IT" was that didn't work with me, but we both knew what she was referring to, the flirting and wrapping men around her little finger. "No", I replied. She seemed to find it quite fun to have a more challenging personality in her midst, someone who would simply not engage with her games at all.

So our relationship was very different than all of her other relationships at work, which we both quite enjoyed. I took great pleasure in telling her to, "Take a hike", or "Do it yourself", if she ever bothered to try and use her considerable charm on me.

It was all done in a good natured way. A sort of in-joke, just between us. She knew that I thought the others were just mugs or sheep for doing her running so eagerly, and she would glance over at me every time she cast another spell on a colleague. And I would just smirk and subtly shake my head.

But as far as me flirting goes, I simply have no idea and wouldn't even try.

But I can make people laugh, so I try to use that instead.