BP, Alex, I'm sorry if I have breached protocol in posting this. I am not a new member of WP, but I haven't posted here for over a year. I didn't mean to break forum rules. This survey is written by myself, I am dxed with high functioning autism, in collaboration with other autistic adults. I strongly believe that this survey is ethical and not against WP's ethos. In detail:
1) Surveys are generally not encouraged on WP unless posted by members in good standing who have some mileage on the forum as contributor-participants. Otherwise the convention seems to be that permission needs to be sought from the website owner here (which is Alex).
I believe this is a genuine, autism-positive survey. You state that surveys are not encouraged, but to not state that they are banned.
2) Material posted on WP is copyright protected.
This could be an issue. If Alex refuses copyright-free permission, I will have to remove this survey as I wish it to have maximum impact in furthering global autistic understanding and this would negatively impact this. I hope we can work together for greater good. I am not seeking any personal; gain from this.
3) Wrong Planet is primarily a peer support group for those on the Autistic Spectrum and other neurodifferences, secondarily for their families, friends, supporters and any other parties who wish to engage in the same spirit.
As stated, I am dxed with high functioning autism. My PDA is not dxed.
4) People who join WP solely to recruit subjects for personal projects (eg completing a term paper at school). This is not an automatic right, though it is often seen as an assumed one.
I have been a member of WP for several years, although this has been my first post for a while.
5) When posters of surveys ask you to click on an email link, and post replies, bear in mind that the link may be contaminated with malware. Any that ask you to respond by private email could be phishing scams or recruiting addresses for sale to commercial enterprises and are best ignored for safety reasons.
This is a genuine Google form created for the genuine reason of wanting to increase understanding of autism. PDA appears to be an hfa only condition and I consider this survey highly relevant to this group.
How can Alex be directly queried about this? I am confident that this is a worthy, nonmalign survey of benefit to this group and the global high functioning autistic community as a whole.