The Dino-Aspie Ex-Café (for Those 40+... or feeling creaky)

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03 May 2007, 8:51 pm

A melancholy, and slightly off note, BOTW. Just be thankful I didn't think of Leonard Cohen.

Via a wander elsewhere, a short arms list made me laugh, but I had nowhere to post it.

I'm just going to sit here on the rubble, until someone shoes me away. All the furniture is gone. At least the weathers fine, so the lack of roof doesn't matter, yet.

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  ((_)  _   ((_)) (_))_ ((_)  )\ )   )\   )\___  )(_))/(_)) /((_)
 / _ \ | |  _| |   |   \ (_) _(_/(  ((_) ((/ __|((_)_(_) _|(_))
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 \___/ |_|\__,_|   |___/ |_||_||_| \___/   \___|\__,_||_|  \___|

A cigarette and an Absinthe would be appropriate, except that I don't drink or smoke these days.

I'll just put my headphones on and listen to some Brigadoom.

"Striking up conversations with strangers is an autistic person's version of extreme sports." Kamran Nazeer

Last edited by lau on 05 May 2007, 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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03 May 2007, 11:18 pm

awwww, Lau. . here you are! I wondered where you wandered off to!

you're not taking this too well, are you. . .I am so sorry that your sweet little cafe just swelled and swelled until it erupted into a whole strip mall of shops and boutiques and what not.

but there were so many people that tried to get in and . . well, was just a bit too popular, I fear.

But I will sit by you here and have a muffin or two with you and we will wander back to the ol' Spam and Kipper and have a couple of pints.


your friend,


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04 May 2007, 12:50 am

What's happened here? Where have all the paintings gone? And the photographs? The cd's are missing too, with all that damn music. Is that a broken riding crop in the corner by that unpotted plant?

Who pinched the leather chairs and the eggshaped ones? This place is all aluninium and steel and I hate aluninium and steel. And I can see the wc clearly... Did you have any warning that this place was going to be stripped bare? Was it done by our competitors?

I wish I could have one more read of the first 200 pages. I was always going to make notes of the computor tips I ignored. And I missed the last pages that we did.

We have to rebuild!! !! !! !! !!

PostPaelo, can you post that story of you hero in the lower reaches of the Upper Z? I want to post a parallel story.

True, we need you to redecorate - money no object!


I think there must be some chronic learning disability that is so prevalent among NT's that it goes unnoticed by the "experts". Krex


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04 May 2007, 12:56 am

[ ( /( ( ( )\ ) ( (
)\()) )\ )\ ) (()/( ( )\ ) )\ ) (
((_)\ ((_)(()/( /(_)) )\ ( ( (((_) ( /((()/( ))\
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\___/ |_|\__,_| |___/ |_||_||_| \___/ \___|\__,_||_| \___|[/code]]

Oh silly me! I must have seen a mirage, so great was my distress! The roof is missing, and there's rubble everywhere. But I still can see a broken riding crop


I think there must be some chronic learning disability that is so prevalent among NT's that it goes unnoticed by the "experts". Krex


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04 May 2007, 2:38 am

Better living through modern chemstry. Think that's how the ad went. We used to think it pretty funny back in the good ol days, while slurping down any drug I could get my grubby mitts on. What a dork. Anyways, here I is and there you is. My first post in that other place was something along the lines of, Isn't anybody else feeling overwhemled here? Almost at the speed of light there was an ice pack on my head with a dim Zannemarie voice saying...bbrrreeeaaattthhheee. I got up and took a valium, freakin Breakfast of Champions. Better living through modern chemistry, deju vu, all over again. I dunno still kinda lost over there, however, the cafe is feeling good again, just in the few hours I have been there. Now I'm not into grabbin anybody, cause I don't like kicken and screamin. So I won't be putting no arm lock on you nor be pullin any hair. And dispite all my worldy knowledge of a lean mean killin machine, I wouldn't want to meet you in a dark ally. No hold that thought, I think we'd probably have too much fun in such a place.

As I had need for sleep and didn't get to see the closing arguements on the debate for the fate of our beloved Cafe. What I find ironic is this, you my dear friend, did a noble deed, yes you, I'm looking at you. Your words were as always very well crafted, your mind shown through with wide light. I felt the same as you and felt the sheer volumn here needed to be addressed, but yet here you is. I liked the Cafe here, saw the need for it to be here, yet knew it had to be delt with. You saw it too and yet here you is. It feels like a self sacrifice. I don't want any more dead friends, Lau, the Cafe doesn't either.

Lau I doubt if I've been out of my house for more then a few hours at a time in close to X years. (I do math, but I don't do numbers) I understand the comfort of a familer place. Your discription of a spider walking over your hand was wonderful. Now where in the world am I ever going to find such a thing around my cave? That would mean I'd actually have to leave my shelter to do such a thing. I would like to, that's a motivation to me, that spider walking across my hand I would like to feel. Dude, I don't even like spiders. It's another step closer for me. You are valued, perhaps more then you know. I would visit here to be sure and it may be you get enough posts to keep this thread up enough so I can find you. I don't know. But I will say you'll be missed if you stay here. Ah hell, I don't know anymore to say, it most certianly is your call. So I guess I'll shut up and have a coffee.

But not before I ask you this. Can you be bribed with muffins?

Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.


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04 May 2007, 5:33 am

Hi nannarob. The Cafe and the fledgling Annex have been moved into the "In-Depth Adult Live Discussion" under "Age/Gender related discussions". I have a problem with ageism and genderism.

So far as I can work up, Alex was asked about opening three new forums. One for Aspie parents. A second for "In depth" stuff and a third for the 30+.

The Aspie parents, as you probably noticed, were finding the Parents of Aspies area inappropriate and the Dino Cafe maybe not specific enough. and crowded.

The "In depth" thing... it was the first I'd heard of it. Presumably somebody was asking for it elsewhere that I hadn't visited.

The "30+"... I've never been in favour of any arbitrary age limit idea. The "or feeling cranky" on the Cafe sorted that.

As I was posting a contribution to what I thought was a discussion about what exactly should be done, I noticed that Alex had responded in the hread started when I was out all day, the day before yesterday.

First he says he doesn't understand the "Aspie parents" idea. Then says the doesn't know what "In-depth" is all about (I certainly still don't). Thirdly there's all the "adult issues", "x-rated", "old people" stuff revolving around "30+".

At some point in that, he was also saying that he would be miffed when nobody posted.

Anyway. He opened the above forum - a strange blend of all three requests, and moved the Cafe threads (which to my minds fit none of the criteria) there.

I can't bring myself to post there, as it has no appeal to me.

I don't want to do "In-Depth" particularly, in some dark room, hidden from the rest of WP. I think I'd have agreed with Alex that it's handled perfectly well elsewhere on the site.

The "Adult" tag sounds totally ageist to me. The description goes on to confirm that, with an arbitrary 28+ limit (28 happen to be the second perfect number, but what relevance that has, I have no idea), and then immediately contradicts itself by saying there isn't any restriction. This I assume was for the "30+" request.

The "Life Discussion" bit seems... waffle? Is that supposed to somehow attract Aspie parents?

The shear whimsy of the title of the Dino Cafe has vanished behind steel plate.

The new forum has no hint of humour to it. It seems to be for dead people.

Newcomers to the site are going to have a hard time finding the Cafe. I mean, you're a regular nannarob, and you didn't know where it had gone, or how to find it, or even where to look. I didn't, either. It was only really the watch emails that pointed me in the right direction. I also tried to post in the Annex thread, which was still in the newcomer's area for a bit, but that got moved as I was posting.

Basically, so far as I am concerned, I liked being able to talk in a relaxed fashion about anything, and insert such quips and/or lunacy as was appropriate.

The Cafe was a place to do that. It became popular. It became too popular. It is now concealed from newcomers behind a concrete wall of ageism, seriousness and confusion.

It needed just a bit more room. As a thread turned forum, still named essentially the same, I feel it could have continued. It would have easily accommodated threads satisfying the three forum requested above. As one thread it was already doing that.

I cannot get over how well YowlingCat originally crafted the name. It was perfection, though I'd doubt she gave it a huge deal of thought. Just a natural.

Will UbbyUbbyUbby and AussieBoy be posting in the new "In-Depth Adult Life Discussion" forum?

I won't.

I'm just gonna sit here and sulk. (See! That's how "Adult" I am!)

"Striking up conversations with strangers is an autistic person's version of extreme sports." Kamran Nazeer

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04 May 2007, 5:37 am

While you're rebuiling remember to put in the wheelchair ramps and rails in the toilet.

Hysterical laughter :lol:


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04 May 2007, 5:38 am

Somehow, I understand. But, it's the place where everyone
else is, so you will give in, or carve your own space.

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04 May 2007, 7:37 pm

Glad to see you around Lau, anyway!

Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.
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04 May 2007, 9:12 pm

Hi Lau.

I see you decided to remodel.

Free Range.

Free Speech.

Free Humor.

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04 May 2007, 10:38 pm


Rosie is a Chilean Rose Hair tarantula (Grammostola rosea). Her species is reputed to be one of the more mellow, easy-to-care-for tarantulas. Certainly Rosie is a very amiable spider, and is content to walk around on your hands, or sit on the keyboard and look at the monitor (or whatever she looks at; with all those eyes pointing every which way, it's difficult to gauge her focus).

She is actually rather delicate. Tarantulas are adapted to life on the ground, and can't tolerate a fall. I've never worried about Rosie; she seems disinclined to dash off suddenly.

I too liked your spider-walking description. There is something really intriguing about spiders, their "otherness" perhaps. I also find octupi fascinating... something about the way they move around. Oh, and cuttlefish. The movement thing, plus the rapid color-change ability.

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04 May 2007, 10:43 pm

Inventor wrote:
Hi Lau.

I see you decided to remodel.

Hah I remember THAT punch line.

Good to see you here, Inventor.


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04 May 2007, 11:30 pm

Lau, I suggest that you set up a place in Getting To Know You called something like 'Linga Longa' or "Tarry A While' or something brilliant that you think of. It can be same sort of place where newcomers can hang out with anyone who wants to come- probably serving the same purpose as the old Dino Cafe.

I feel the same way as you do, and I'm sulking and lurking for a while.


I think there must be some chronic learning disability that is so prevalent among NT's that it goes unnoticed by the "experts". Krex


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04 May 2007, 11:39 pm

Maybe we can just sit in the rubble and continue here. Have you got a begging bowl? Passersby may dish out coffee and muffins to the homeless.


I think there must be some chronic learning disability that is so prevalent among NT's that it goes unnoticed by the "experts". Krex


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05 May 2007, 12:06 am

Good to just sit here for a while, Lau
thanks for keeping it open.


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05 May 2007, 2:27 am

I'm going to make a dino eat you!

Everyone eat dinosaurs too!