animalcrackers wrote:
I've had therapy that I was told by the therapist had elements of CBT in it (and elements of a lot of other things)....but I've never been able to get a clear understanding of what CBT is.
The basic idea is that we develop an inaccurate intellectual understanding of certain issues, and that by changing those understandings, we can change our emotions. So for example, someone who was constantly criticized by their mother might think "I'm worthless" or "people will criticize me." CBT would seek to change those cognitions to something like "I'm worthwhile" and "people won't criticize me." In doing so, it addresses the neocortex, the most recently-evolved brain region and the one responsible for high-level understanding.
Other forms of therapy are focused on the subconscious mind and seek to address one's emotional responses, which are centered in the more primitive paleomammalian brain, more directly, often by addressing issues that occurred in the past, e.g., as a child.