Ghosthunter wrote:
Now my spirit has returned to me
I was miserable all weekend, but let's first
deal with your question.......!
Hmmmm?....To what extent was this a language
delay? you said you stopped thinking, but what
about silence, before and after age 2. I know
you didn't have temporary hearing loss.
Actually I meant I stopped speaking. I was still thinking. It didn't seem to bother my parents and I don't think they ever took me to a doctor, but they did write down what words I said and when... and between that period of 8 months to 2 years I was not talking at all. I didn't shy away from physical touch, actually I seemed to crave it. And I was very alert to my environment, tense, high energy. But I didn't like lots of people. My grandmother tells a story about taking me to visit my four cousins when I was 2 and when they all came over to say hello, I started screaming and wouldn't stop till they left me alone... but later that day, when one of my cousins was quietly making origami, I crept over to her like a ghost and then started making up my own origami designs.
I was also very scared of noise and I would hide from the vaccuum, from balloons (in case they popped), and other loud noises.
Ghosthunter wrote:
If you go to my past forums you will get gist of my
weekend. And back to the present.......!
What by age 2-6 were you doing academically,
communicatively, expressionwise?
I looked up my school reports from ages 4-6 and they were all good. One teacher said I was nervous about speaking and my kindergarten teacher said I set very high standards for myself and then was frustrated when I couldn't reach them. They didn't write down anything about problems interacting with the other kids and my preschool teacher actually recommended me for gifted placement. So I'm not sure what all this means.