Any other Aspies who can't do Facebook?

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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28 Jun 2016, 8:51 am

Do any other Aspies out there have a difficult time with Facebook? I have an extremely hard time with Facebook. I have joined FB twice, quit it once and now have not signed into it for over a month. It's just too much information coming at me from too many directions at once.

As Tony Attwood has noted, we Aspies are better at writing things down than talking about them. This is definitely true for me. I am much better putting things into words (and sometimes I have to borrow the words of other people) on paper, on the computer and on email. But I can't handle FB. Too much information. I cannot focus on more than one thing at a time. I have AS with Pure O (as OCD egodystonic thoughts are called to distinguish Pure O from other kinds of OCD) diagnosed as a co-morbidity, but a friend of mine who has noticed my FB problems thinks that I should get myself tested for ADHD--a co-morbidity also common in Aspies.

We Aspies are all supposed to be masters of all things computer, but the reality is it all depends on how your Asperger's affects you.

And it just p**ses me off that everybody, absolutely everybody, expects you to be a f***ing Facebook maestro. There's no other way of contacting them and they seem to think the whole world is on, or should be on, FB. Not a single person even seems to think that any individual could possibly find FB too much for them. So we're left out in the cold.

Diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome by Dr. Joel Jeffries of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Adult Psychiatry and Health Systems, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. No intellectual or language impairment.


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28 Jun 2016, 9:09 am

Facebook has been such a pain in my life.
I have deleted it 3 times and every time i deleted it i got messages on my phone
saying something like "WHY DID YOU DELETE ME?!?!"

So in the end I just deleted most of my photos and posts but left some stuff
so that it looks like i still have a normal Facebook.
But it's a great messenger imo


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28 Jun 2016, 10:03 am

I find myself very anxious to check and sometimes I go months on end without going on. I can survive fine without it but I don't exactly get why other people can't. In some ways I do but in other ways I don't. Someone told me I should get an app on my phone where I get notifications from Facebook but I have a feeling that would just make me more anxious. That specific person tends to send non-stop notifications so I get the feeling that they would abuse it and I would get notifications on my phone all the time. I don't want to spend hours reading my feed and I usually do because there's so much interesting stuff that comes up. It is usually full because I procrastinate getting on. I also am not too good with conversations and when people start chatting with me on there, I end up on there even longer. When some people demand a response from me, that only motivates me to procrastinate more. I do this in general.

It bothers me a little when people pester me why I never go on and I answer "I was busy." It is not completely untrue. I find myself more productive when I don't go on and I am happy with myself. Sometimes I go through phases where I do go on and I can't get off of it but then I feel awful for being unproductive. I am an introvert so that has something to do with it. I feel overwhelmed with many people talking to me at once. I do kind of enjoy it when I go on but I procrastinate getting on. I need time to think of a response when chatting and it bothers me when people expect me to do it quickly.

All glory to the hypnotoad.

INTP 9w1-5w4-2w3 sp/so


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28 Jun 2016, 10:22 pm

I could care less about FB. I have an account, log in about twice a year to let people know I am still alive.

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28 Jun 2016, 10:25 pm

I don't have one and don't have any interest in it. Social media as a whole seems pretty dumb. Oooh, look at what I did! Me me me, it's all about ME! It seems like such a self-centered sort of NT paradise, and I have no desire to partake in it.


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28 Jun 2016, 10:41 pm

Grammar Geek wrote:
I don't have one and don't have any interest in it. Social media as a whole seems pretty dumb. Oooh, look at what I did! Me me me, it's all about ME! It seems like such a self-centered sort of NT paradise, and I have no desire to partake in it.

This. ^

The communication I like to do is through e-mail text messages, and this forum.

Emu Egg
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28 Jun 2016, 10:48 pm

One more thing- you said, We Aspies are all supposed to be masters of all things computer, but the reality is it all depends on how your Asperger's affects you" Well I suck ass at computers and very well versed in multiple things. I am certain you have a multitude of talents too, Computer doesn't have to be one of them. Anything that is technologically advanced, well, lets just say I get so aggravated I broke several. Bottom line, computers, not that great, multifaceted in many others.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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29 Jun 2016, 5:28 am

Yeah I can't deal with it. I never know what to say and don't think any one would be interested anyway. As to what other people say about themselves it is rarely interesting. You do get some entertaining and funny stuff posted, but nothing that wasn't on reddit a couple of days earlier.

So my account largely sits dormant.


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29 Jun 2016, 7:42 am

I stay completely away from FB.


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29 Jun 2016, 8:08 am

Fap-Book is really more of a Neuro-Typical Social-Media site for which I use none of them at all. The ironic thing is that Face-Palm-Book was probably coded and programmed by Aspies who made serious profits.

Pay me for my signature. 私の署名ですか❓お前の買うなければなりません。Mon autographe nécessite un paiement. Которые хочет мою автографу, у тебя нужно есть деньги сюда. Bezahlst du mich, wenn du meine Unterschrift wollen.

Mr. Cat
Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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29 Jun 2016, 8:18 am

I just hate facebook. The content is so stupid. I try to keep the stupidity at bay by being very selective about who I add, but then I get messages from people like, "Hey! You know me. Why don't you add me?" or they spam me with friend requests. Then I end up adding everybody and the posts they write make me want to bang my head against a wall, so I deactivate my account. I've deactivated my account about 10 times. The most recent was a year ago and it's been deactivated ever since. f**k that.


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29 Jun 2016, 8:20 am

I'm pretty computer literate, but I also hate facebook.


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29 Jun 2016, 10:50 am

I hate Facebook so I deleted mine. I couldn't stand the constant social expectations of others expecting me to be on Facebook 24/7. If I wasn't online I would get stupid posts like "is he still alive" "omg he hasn't posted in x amount of time". I also couldn't stand having my friends on the same social network as my family.

I quarantine my friends from one another anyway and I am the only common link. None of my friends know each other so this prevents unnecessary drama. If one hits the fan then the door on their little cell slams shut and the mess is contained and limited to just them, they don't affect any other part of my social life. It works much better that way. I only like to socialize 1on1, never in groups.

I don't have Facebook, don't use twitter or Instagram either.

Emu Egg
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29 Jun 2016, 11:56 am

On the positive, it's simple way to distribute kid pictures to family members and an easy way to message people without having to keep track of those details.

On the negative, it's filled to the brim with virtue signalling, narcissistic drivel, and false (overly-positive) views into people's lives and well-being. Rational discussion is impossible because passionate people act psychopathic to others when given physical distance of the internet.


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29 Jun 2016, 12:04 pm

I don't do it, seems more like a competition for who has the most friends which I will lose. I don't really have any social circle or anything on there, I guess it makes me a freak for me generation but I think that's probably true for any generation. It's all one big honeypot anyways.


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29 Jun 2016, 12:06 pm

I don't like Facebook. It's too personal and it's a confusing mess to me, just too much happening. I don't like that there's some sort of societal expectation to use Facebook. So I don't use it. I don't like to do what everyone else is doing, anyway.

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