avlien wrote:
During the course of my current relationship, I realized that I have ASD. It was a bit of an "ah-ha!" moment, but ultimately it only labels a problem with no solution. I am a "fix-it" kind of person, so not being able to is very frustrating. The big problem happens in my relationships, when tensions are high & someone gets hurtful. For example: my fiancee had a bad day, and immediately starts criticizing me even though I have also been working all day. I know this is one of those things that humans (see:NTs) do to one another, but I just can't take any of it. It sends me (almost immediately) into a huge meltdown. I just can't take being attacked by a person who is supposed to be on the same team (if not a spouse, then who?).
I guess this raises the bigger question of "How do we deal with idiosyncrasies of the NT psyche?" such as passive-aggressive behaviour, self-sabotage, etc. I know I am about to come off as "Spock to the n-th" but all of these illogical behavior patterns are maddening. If I grew up in India, I could write a book & all the NTs would buy it. They do so many things that serve no purpose whatsoever, simply because they either assume "that's what you do" or they are parroting the (interpreted) reactions of their parents to (seemingly) similar situations. I guess maybe I need to polish up on Freudian psychology...
Equating NTs with humans (and thereby identifying the neurodiverse as
not human or
less human) is not cool. For a few reasons.
"Ego non immanis, sed mea immanis telum." ~ Ares, God of War
(Note to Moderators: my warning number is wrong on my profile but apparently can't be fixed so I will note here that it is actually 2, not 3--the warning issued to me on Aug 20 2016 was a mistake but I've been told it can't be removed.)