Any variation on "How are you/How're you doing?" drives me nuts too. It's only been distressingly late in life that I finally cottoned-on that I'm not supposed to actually TELL them exactly how I am. Someone was honest with me and had to tell me that when I was in my early 30s. Even now, I can still tend to forget and answer literally with real information, especially if there's something to actually tell other than "fine." I have to watch myself constantly.
Another annoying convention: "So what do you do?" (for a living). Some people think this is nothing more than a friendly way to keep the chit chat going. But just as many times as not, it's also used as a way to size you up and get an instant Polaroid snapshot of who they think you are, all in one instant package.
The problem I have with that is, the majority of people who work are not doing work they love, work that suits them, or work that actually says anything about "who" they really are as people. It's just a fact -- there are more grunt jobs in this world that have to be filled by someone, than "this is my dearest passion" jobs. For every actor or singer or symphony violinist or wildlife specialist or even doctor or charity worker, there are thousands of street cleaners, office pen pushers living for the weekend, store clerks, etc.
I wish the convention was more to ask someone "So what are your hobbies and passions, what do you love to do?" Because what you love and what really makes you tick is not usually your job.