Both me and my sister love black metal and we've never known anyone in real life that loves black metal too. We like bands like Craft, Carpathian Forest, Krieg, Celtic Frost, Marduk, and Taake, just to name a few. Also, if anyone has suggestions of black metal bands that they like, feel free to post.
_________________ Aspie quiz score: 152 of 200 neurodiverse (Aspie) 48 of 200 neurotypical (non-autistic)
I listen to it sometimes. It's nowhere near being my "main" genre, but I think it has an interesting history as well as a unique aesthetic. Celtic Frost's early releases are spectacular, and I like the blend of drone and black metal Sunn O))) utilized on "Black One". Children of Bodom is fun to listen to sometimes too, though they're technically more like melodic death/power metal with a bit of black metal influence.
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Joined: 5 Mar 2016 Age: 37 Gender: Female Posts: 92
14 Jul 2016, 5:42 pm
Yessss here! From the bands you mentioned, I love MARDUK. I saw them live and they are amazing. I also love bands like Dissection and Bathory, and some old school BM like the early Darkthrone.
_________________ ***Educational psychologist with many autistic traits.***
From childhood’s hour I have not been as others were—I have not seen as others saw—I could not bring my passions from a common spring— From the same source I have not taken my sorrow—I could not awaken my heart to joy at the same tone— And all I lov’d—I lov’d alone. E. A. Poe
Joined: 6 Jan 2011 Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 34,989 Location: Somewhere in Colorado
14 Jul 2016, 7:42 pm
I enjoy it quite a bit and like all the bands you mentioned except for I haven't heard Craft or Kreig I don't think. Some others I like include Dimmu Borgir, Behemoth, Watain, Satyricon, Istapp, Tsjuder and plenty more but can't remember them all.
_________________ *Midori Gurin voice* I'm that one random Alice in Chains (mainly Sean and Jerry...Okay all of them.) fangirl mixed with other fangirl type stuff or nah...Okay, I am.
*goes back on phone thinking of first cosplay ideas*
If Dimmu Borgir count, then so do Cradle of Filth. They might not be particularly "kvlt", as they're a popular, well-known band, but they're still black metal.
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Joined: 6 Jan 2011 Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 34,989 Location: Somewhere in Colorado
18 Jul 2016, 1:50 pm
mr_bigmouth_502 wrote:
EnmaLionheart wrote:
Does Cradle of Filth count?
If Dimmu Borgir count, then so do Cradle of Filth. They might not be particularly "kvlt", as they're a popular, well-known band, but they're still black metal.
Yeah, at least most of Cradle of Filth....however their more recent stuff doesn't sound so much like black metal, more goth metal I think but still has black metal elements.
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01 Aug 2016, 12:35 am
I'm more into Black/thrash and Black/Death (aka War Metal) than just Black metal because it tend to not really do anything me much unless you talking about first wave black metal which is a different story. Been listening to Revenge, Satanic Warmaster, Black Witchery, Blasphemy, Perversor, Archgoat, Deströyer 666, Nifelheim and Deathwitch.
I tend to gravitate towards the OMBM artists. I very much like the idea of an individual going at it alone, making music with whatever is at hand -- industry standards be damned! For me personally, after so much academic brainwashing, it was liberating to witness how these guys not only found it within themselves to embrace their lo-fi production values but were able to garner such positive feedback as well. Varg Vikernes with his deliberate "necro-sound" micing, the cassette decks and the cheap digital portastudio devices, etc.
I really, really like what Scott Connor did under Xasthur. People rip on him for being too repetitive and "boring", however coming from the noise music camp I can both understand and appreciate his methodology. Although the staple black metal shtick is great fun, the phony diabolism does tend to get a bit old after a while; Scott's approach was more genuine, in my opinion, as he endeavored to create something thematically different...something darker and more personal. Too many black metal acts are overly preoccupied with their aforementioned "kvlt" image and their instrumental technique. I would argue that, for all their entertainment value, the vast majority of these people are incapable of truly baring their souls in their work (or perhaps they are simply unwilling to do so, for fear of being perceived as "weak"). I can listen to Xasthur and immediately sense that Scott is wrought with some measure of pain...
I'm not above listening to old-school Dimmu Borgir, however I draw a line in the sand immediately after Death Cult Armageddon. I think they took a serious blow in the 90s, with Stian Aarstad plagiarizing Amiga tunes and being fired from the band. Post Enthroned Darkness Triumphant, their output became more bloated and unimaginative with each new release, so much so that I completely lost interest in them sometime in the mid-00s.
Limbonic Art -- another favorite of mine when I was a teenager -- might have fared better, though I couldn't say as I haven't listened to either group in years.
Also, Abruptum is hilarious...
Last edited by Extrication on 01 Aug 2016, 3:34 am, edited 3 times in total.