Yay for stories!! !! ! ^^
Ever since I was a child, I had always had handwriting problems and I had been socially awkward. My mother, although she has an undergrad degree in special ed and a masters in psychology, never suspected I had autism. Finally, in third grade, my Aunt Debbie told my mother that she suspected I had Aspergers', and she told my mother all about it. My mother started reading everything she could about Aspergers' [Tony Atwood's website, etc.]. It was then that she figured out that was what was wrong with me [I also have dispraxia]. She had me evaluated by my school district, who said that there was nothing wrong with me. My mother, not believing this, took me to some private doctors who all agreed that I had aspergers'. My mother requested special ed for me in school, but the school district refused to give it to me. That's when my mother sued them. After two years, and over $20,000, we won the lawsuit, and we created a special curriculum for me in the regular ed school. For fifth grade, I had moved to a special ed school, where my mother had to drive me over 180 miles a day, because the district refused to bus me. Just after spring break, the school district [who had by then lost the law suit] bussed me for the rest of that year. In sixth grade, I moved to a school in my own city, where I, of course, thought I'd be accepted. BIG mistake. For three years, I had no friends at that school. It was hell for me, I was seen as the 'freak' of my school, and I would be bullied constantly.
Finally, this year, I started in the high school of my dreams. However, it wasn't always like that. This school is the most competitive high school in the county, it has over 5000 applicants for 120 spots. When I applied, they didn't want to accomodate me, so my file had written on it "Qualified but special needs." My mother threatened to sue the school, and finally they let me in.
Although i'm struggling a bit, I'm happy at my high school. On the 29th of this month I will be auditioning [again] for a spot in my school's musical theatre department, which was the major reason I went to this high school. I have quite a few friends, and hardly anybody knows i'm aspergers.
The end. ^^
Time Passes...Even When It Seems Impossible...
I make icons. ^^