Wrong Planet FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Frequently Asked Questions
Official Forum FAQ
Am I slow? Is it just me? Have I missed something? Who should I ask?
Not questions about ASD. Questions about using Wrong Planet itself.
- How do I add a question to this FAQ?
- How do I add an answer to this FAQ?
- Where is the FAQ "Hall of Fame"?
- How do I get small, BIG or colored letters?
- How do I do lists? (like this one)
- Why am I an "Emu Egg"?
- How do I do "ASCII Art"?
- What else does this "BBCode" do?
- Why doesn't [spoil] work? (original)
- Where do I find the rule that says I shouldn't put images, etc in my signature?
- Why shouldn't I have a big, rapidly flashing avatar?
- How do I upload a picture?
- How do I block an obnoxious member's posts?
- Emu's Egg to Phoenix - and beyond?
- What are the effects of logging out?
- The moving avatars are really bugging me. How can I make them stop?
- How do I "collapse quotes"?
- What is your current state of mind?
- Why doesn't [spoil] work? (the sequel)
- What size image can I post?
- Is there a list of the members and their details?
- How do I make a poll?
- How do I post a YouTube video?
- How do I get avatars to have transparent backgrounds?
- How do I put up an article?
- How do I change my username?
- How to get your age to show in the author panel?
- What happens when my Inbox is full?
- Where can I find a list of all the rules and policies regarding WP?
- What is a "TOR user"?
- Why can't Wrong Planet do <feature of choice>?
- So where do I host my images (whatever that means)?
- Where are the bunnies?
- Can I delete my account?
- Privacy on the internet
- Can I be banned for being a member on another forum?
- Why am I "banned"?
- Why is there so much spam when regular users have trouble posting?
- Why doesn't the site-wide search function work?
Comments via PM or other threads, to avoid cluttering this thread.
[edit: if you would like to add an answer, please PM your information to a moderator]
(How many people start threads, then explicitly ask for no replies???)
Last edited by Kiprobalhato on 17 Feb 2018, 1:35 am, edited 29 times in total.: updating
How do I add a question to this FAQ?
If the question is answered here already, but the answer didn't work for you, I'd say just PM the person who gave the answer, and figure it out from there. They can then edit their answer to smooth out whatever the problem was. [edit: or PM a moderator as the applicable member may no longer be active]
If there's no trace of the question you're asking, then I'd say DON'T ask here.
The idea being that you can be the proud owner of an answer! You go off and find out the answer some other way. [edit: you can then PM a moderator to possibly add your answer to this thread and a link to the list].
At the end of the day, it would be nice if this whole thread could be perused from start to finish, to gain a total overview of how to work everything on WP.
NB Before posting here, please read the start of this thread.
Last edited by lau on 10 Feb 2008, 3:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
How do I add an answer to this FAQ?
[edit: PM a moderator to possibly add useful info on some topic you have had to figure out the answer to.]
[edit: a moderator may add your question to the list right at the start of The FAQ, and link from there straight down to your answer.]
Ideally, you should put the question you're answering in as the "Subject" of your post, which means the mdoerators have to do virtually nothing - and that appeals to our sense of extreme laziness.
NB Before posting here, please read the start of this thread.
Last edited by lau on 10 Feb 2008, 3:07 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Hall of Fame
eddiedog8 lau dumbgenius SleepyDragon lemon Kaleido calandale
(in random order) (for i in 7 6 5 4 3 2;do random -e $i; echo $?;done)
I'll (try to) put a list here of all contributors. Don't feel inhibited though. I'll not add people if they don't want to be added.
Should anyone wish to supply answers, but not become visible, please, as a last resort, just get someone else to do it or, as a last resort PM through me.
NB Before posting here, please read the start of this thread.
Last edited by lau on 19 Apr 2008, 4:11 pm, edited 5 times in total.
How do I get small, BIG or coloured letters??
Mainly, everytime you see something interesting in someone else's message, you can take a look at what this person has done (by pressing the 'quote' button in his/her message) and copy it.
'Big letters' need an opening tag indicating the size before the word (or group of words):
and a closing tag after the word(s)
you can also do this with colours and here is a nice list of colours you can use:
same thing: you put
You can also use hexadecimal for your colours with:
the following is a fun little tool that can automatically colorize any text you enter, to a form ready to post here (though BBcode tags given for font and size changes are not compatible with this site's software and must be manually tweaked):
NB Before posting here, please read the start of this thread.
Last edited by lemon on 06 May 2007, 6:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
How do I do lists?
Lists are pretty straightforward. they sit inside "list" start and end tags, like so:
[*]First item.
[*]second item.
[*]Third item.
[/list]...and ending here.
An unordered list, starting here...
- Heading
- First item.
- Second item.
- Third item.
That looks a little "spread out". But:
Same layout list: start...
- Head
- 1st
- 3rd
You can totally leave out the "heading" line of the list:
- 1st
- 2nd
- 3rd
Finally, the above have been unordered lists. You can also do numeric or alphabetic lists.
- Numeric
- One
- Two
- Alphabetic
- Alpha
- Beta
NB Before posting here, please read the start of this thread.
Last edited by lau on 10 Feb 2008, 3:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Why Am I an Emu Egg?
You just signed up; the more spam that you produce,
the larger, prettier, more exciting flying thing shalt thou
become. Eventually, you shall become such an annoyance
that you will be granted the right to become whatever you
choose (though birdie like things are definitely appreciated).
NB Before posting here, please read the start of this thread.
How do I do "ASCII Art"?
For a start, I should explain that "ASCII art" is all about using one or more lines of plain text to visually convey an image of something rather larger or different.
The humble smiley is the minimalist example of such a thing. Although many smilies are shown by little graphics, these days, there are a huge range that don't get so displayed. E.g. all the backward ones, like these (: (8 (-8
As soon as you get off single line ASCII art, you run into problems lining things up. For fairly simple ASCII art, any text editor will do fine, provided you can get it to use a "monospaced" font. This is one where each and every character is displayed with the same width. To check, if you type in a line of ten "W"s, say, and one with ten "i"s below it, and they are the same length, then that'll be OK.
Unless you guarantee monospaced fonts, both at your end, and at the viewer's end, even if something "looks OK" at your end, there's no guarantee that exactly the same fonts, or even particularly similar fonts, will be available to the people elsewhere.
To ensure the viewer uses a monospaced font, you are obliged to put "code" tags around it. There's not really any way of avoiding this.
E.g. Without "code" tags, you'd get:
| |
| This is a nice box? |
| |
but put the code tags around, like:
| |
| This is a nice box? |
| |
and you'll get the desired:
| |
| This is a nice box? |
| |
While you could use a simple text editor to get to:
\ \ / / _ ___ _ _ __ _| _ \ |__ _ _ _ ___| |_ _ _ ___| |_
\ \/\/ / '_/ _ \ ' \/ _` | _/ / _` | ' \/ -_) _|_| ' \/ -_) _|
\_/\_/|_| \___/_||_\__, |_| |_\__,_|_||_\___|\__(_)_||_\___|\__|
I cheated there. I was using an excellent free program from http://www.jave.de. It gives you a vast number of useful functions, including a huge range of "fonts" (254 at present - the above was "5 lines, small"), general "paint" tools, and it will even convert images for you:
j#6T9Mr ..g+..
`MmgkB! dE1TTWHN;
`TH| XR;;;+j#^
.Ci .WMmmgMB`
de .Z! ``
Jb ....JJ+QQQQQQAQgggJ.. .Z!
.g#YWHBYYY7!`^.::^`^^:^?+?TY9Hg... .+=
JM9!::^`:::`^::::::::::;;;:::::??TTHQNr ......
.+#:.``..:``.:.::..::::.:::::::::::::.`?Wm, JbpppppppppWk!
d@:..:.+J+?,:::::::::::+::;;;:...::::^^^:?Ho .dppppppppppKC
dR.^:.dMMBMMNag+::^^::::++aaggag&+.+`..:::JM` .Wpppppppppp$
?MNmJd#=;+?1zZTNa.,.::?++M#YTTTTWMMm,+jgW0JH` jpppppppppWY`
.MD?7MR.?jdMMmdMBWMM@@MMMMD.?;++!.dMHUY++Jd% Xpppppppppf`
7N:?dN+uzMMMM#3+.+;;;;+dN+;;+ggmmg0:;!.jMt .Wppppppppf`
?H+?TTYYYW96+:::;;;;;+TMNs+jMMMM$;;!.Jf` jpppppppp0`
?Na+?++:+;;+:^.+;+++::+7WMMMM9+;!:^j#! dpppppppS!
?Mm...,+++.+qRv:::;;::::++:::`^`+H! .XppppppS!
?TMM@+;;jNM$+:+;!:.:+;:;::^^.Jf` Jpppppp0!
.M@!:jMM6++++::+;;;+::`.+gH=` .dppppp0:
H@+.JMMMH3!::+;;;;::JdWY! ?OWppS:
H$::::::;;:.;;;;++.jH= ?7!
H$::::?;;::+++++:jd8` ..+..
H$`:.;:+:::+;::.jW= .XpppW+
Wr.?+++++:?;::jW@! dpppppt
plus it has the odd game thrown in and will do movies.
NB Before posting here, please read the start of this thread.
Last edited by lau on 10 Feb 2008, 3:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
What else does this "BBCode" do?
You'll find that all of the bits in the "Toolbar" work.
The simple B(bold), I(italic) and U(underline) are easy.
The "quote" thing (on the left end) will put simple quote tags around some text.
When you hit the "Quote" button on a message (top right), that will automatically start your reply up with the more complex "quote" tags around the text. You can use these yourself, but be careful to always put the double quotation marks around whatever you are giving as the source of the quote. BBCode is utterly picky about such things. If it isn't spot on, BBCode ignores the lot.
So...[quote=fred]doesn't hack it.[/quote], it needs to be
The url link tool works. You can just wrap an http link with "url" tags, but the tool lets you be tidier, by hiding what might be a long link and giving a more useful bit of text instead. I find that this doesn't stand out to well, so I often wrap the text in bold tags as well, so it shows up clearer. I.e Wrong Planet home page.
The image link tool lets you wrap an http link to an image. It will display the image (inline, even -><-), rather than the link. Unfortunately, some sites refuse to respond to such direct links, so you just get shown. Always try to remember to check up by using "Preview" before you post a link to a site that you're not sure about.
I hadn't done it before I typed up this help, but there's no reason not to combine the above two. To give the Wrong Planet home page with an icon you can click on, as I have done here: -><-.
The YouTube button lets you insert a video (see elsewhere in the FAQ for this one).
NB Before posting here, please read the start of this thread.
Last edited by lau on 17 May 2008, 5:33 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Why doesn't [spoil] work? (Dig, dig.)
Actually, there is a way to simulate it.
Just not the way that you expect it to do so.
Just use this template, with the text you want hidden
And it looks like:
There is a trace of the message, and you can highlight over it, in order to fully view it.
Seems like a reasonable compromise, since the actual spoiler isn't working.
NB Before posting here, please read the start of this thread.
Last edited by calandale on 23 May 2007, 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Where do I find the rule that says I shouldn't put images, etc in my signature?
In the General Autism Discussion, you'll find the WrongPlanet Rules, which cover such things as what's allowed in signatures. You should have read these rules before making any posts.
Those rules also refer you to what appears as a link at the bottom of each page: the Terms of Service. They are the overall, legalese bits, rather than the "netiquette" part for Wrong Planet.
There are also additional rules or guidelines in some of the forums. Whenever you see the topic starting with "Announcement: ", you should probably have read that before posting in that area.
NB Before posting here, please read the start of this thread.
Last edited by lau on 10 Feb 2008, 2:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Why shouldn't I have a big, rapidly flashing avatar?
This is in part a personal view, but others have agreed with me and said that they also have trouble with this sort of thing.
When I was young, I was treated for epilepsy. One very typical thing that can set off a fit is flashing lights, at around 9 cycles per second. It is very easy to put together an image that is 140x140 pixels and flashes between black and white at this frequency. It might look like fun to you, but spare a thought.
Even leaving aside epilepsy, light sensitivity (especially with flashing lights) is a trait that often goes along with Asperger's Syndrome. As that's the bulk of the users of this place, you will be alienating rather a large proportion of the members.
Leaving aside both of those issues, flashing avatars are just so distracting!
What does work, as an animated image, is one where the animation is very wide spaced out in time (several seconds between changes), very smooth (gentle scrolling or rotating, say) or only affects a tiny part of the image (a few pixels). I've used each of these for my avatar, and not received any complaints. Overall, I tend to stick to static avatars, anyway.
Personally, when I see any animated avatar, I almost invariably block the avatar immediately (I use AdBlock Plus in SeaMonkey (and FireFox) - a few clicks, and the avatar is history). This means that in future, I see no avatar by that person, so I am less likely to recognise them. I'll vaguely think that they are a newbie who hasn't managed to work out how to set their avatar yet (well... that is the case, in a sense).
NB Before posting here, please read the start of this thread.
Last edited by lau on 10 Feb 2008, 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
How do I upload a picture?
The answer to this, in short, is that you don't.
At least, you don't upload pictures to Wrong Planet.
On Wrong Planet, you get 2048 KB, for your avatar only.
However, what you really want to know is how do you get pictures to show on here. The answer is that you link to where they are, elsewhere on the net.
Generally speaking, if you find an image somewhere else, you should usually find you can just link to it where it is.
If what you want to show is some of your own artwork or photographs, etc, then you'll need to find somewhere else on the net where you can put your images.
I personally use "www.imageshack.us" at the moment. There are many such places. They have varying terms and conditions on exactly what you may upload, file types, sizes, copyright, and so on.
One problem you may come across is that after going to all the effort of setting up your image, it doesn't show, and you just get a showing. This means that either you typed the URL wrong, or wherever you are linking to does not allow direct links. You'll have to change tack.
NB Before posting here, please read the start of this thread.
Last edited by Kiprobalhato on 02 Mar 2015, 6:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
How do I block an obnoxious member's posts?
- Get a browser that this all works with.
If you don’t already have it, download and install Mozilla's Firefox browser from here :-
(This all works with Mozilla's SeaMonkey as well... see note below). - Install the scripting extension
Next get and install the "Greasemonkey" extension.
One way to do this would be from here :- http://www.greasespot.net/
Click on "Download Greasemonkey" (whatever the latest version is). A box will appear with the option to install the software. Click to install it.
Firefox may prompt you to restart.
A small monkey face icon will appear toward the bottom right corner of your browser window. Greasemonkey is on when the monkey face is red, and off when the monkey icon is grey. To switch it on/off, left click the icon. - Install the "hide user" Java script
Click on here and Greasemonkey should ask if you'd like to install "phpbbuserhide.user.js". (I suggest you let it do so)
Also, there is now a separate, stand-alone version (not requiring Greasemonkey) available as a Firefox extension. I personally haven't tested it.
Finally, I haven't tried the Firefox extension with my Seamonkey. It doesn't say it is compatible, which often means it isn't. - Set up the script appropriately for WrongPlanet
Next right click on Greasemonkey's monkey icon. Choose "Manage User Scripts...".
Beside the box that says "Included Pages", click "Add..." and into the box that appears, copy and paste exactly this:Code:http://www.wrongplanet.net/post*Note that the last character is an asterisk.
Click "OK" in that box and "OK" again on the bottom of the "Manage User Scripts" page. - Use it!
Now load any page on WrongPlanet. When you view posts, you will see an "[x]" at the top left of each post, beside every person’s user name. If you want to hide someone’s posts, click that "[x]" and "OK" the popup, then refresh the page. After refresh, their posts will be gone. All that will be left will be the "[x]", their name and "toggle display". If you want to read that specific post, click on "toggle display" their post will then appear. Again, and it will be re-hidden.
To un-hide a user, click again on their "[x]", "OK" the popup and refresh the page.
Note: Using SeaMonkey instead of (as well as?) Firefox
Update: The latest version of Greasemonkey (0.7.2) seems to work fine with the latest SeaMonkey (1.1.8) - I'm using that combination at this moment.
This answer comes to you from the joint efforts of (in alphabetic order):
Apatura, Aylissa, Calandale, Immortal, Lau and Starr.
NB Before posting here, please read the start of this thread.
Last edited by lau on 11 Jun 2008, 1:27 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Emu's Egg to Phoenix - and beyond?
(edit: as of the site move in november 2014, custom rank is not a feature anymore, thus the following instructions on how to add one no longer apply.)
edit 2: also note that the named rank scoring no longer includes Phoenix 500-999 and Custom Title 1000+.
The revised scoring is now:
Butterfly = 9-17
Hummingbird = 18-24
Tufted Titmouse = 25-49
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker = 50-74
Blue Jay = 75-99
Raven = 100-124
Snowy Owl = 125-174
Pileated woodpecker = 175-199
Sea Gull = 200-249
Toucan = 250-299
Deinonychus = 300-399
Velociraptor = 400-499
Veteran = 500+
As your post count climbs, your "Rank" goes up through an avian progression, of sorts. You'll pick it up. The changes require progressively longer jumps, and you'll stay a Phoenix from your five hundredth post until your thousandth, by which time you'll have totally forgotten about all this.
However, at some point (post 1200 or so) you'll remember that you've been waiting to make your own stamp, and you'll discover that it's not obvious how to do it.
Here is a list of the ranks,
and about when you achieve them:
Emu Egg 0-8
Butterfly 9-17
Hummingbird 18-24
Tufted Titmouse 25-49
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker 50-74
Blue Jay 75-99
Raven 100-124
Snowy Owl 125-174
Pileated Woodpecker 175-199
Sea Gull 200-249
Tucan 250-299
Dienonychus 300-399
Velociraptor 400-499
Phoenix 500-999
Custom Title 1000+
Just pretend that you are wanting to upload a new avatar from your computer... so ...
My Account
Edit Profile
Upload Through Forum Profile
That will get you to:
http://www.wrongplanet.net/modules.php? ... ditprofile
(which you can bookmark, or may already have bookmarked.)
Lo and behold, there's a new line for "Custom Rank" (max 50 characters) - make it what you will.
Now, you may not have this problem, but personally, I've been going in for long signatures.
On this form, the signature is limited to 150 characters, whereas the other form lets you put in 255. When uploading a new avatar or changing rank, this always bugs me. I have to chop my sig out, update avatar/rank, go back the the other form and change my sig back to what I want.
Oh. And my browser always auto-completes ONE of the two password fields on the initial form, which I often forget about, so it says they don't match and I have to scrub the one it auto-completed.
NB Before posting here, please read the start of this thread.
Last edited by lau on 10 Feb 2008, 2:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
What are the effects of logging out?
Just noticed this, and thought that I'd share.
If you log out of your account, it changes the status of all of the threads to read.
This also happens every night, when the server maintenance occurs.
NB Before posting here, please read the start of this thread.
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