Hello. I just wanted to tell you this is exactly me. I "crave", for a lack of a better term, touch or affection from others. I don't have another good word for touch, and sorry for how it may appear to others. I just like hugs, holding hands, cuddling, stuff like that. And not in a romantic way, like a friend/family way. I know it's a stereotype for autistic people to be like that, but there are others who are the complete opposite. Someone autistic people crave affection so much that if they see a stranger, they'll hug them, which can be dangerous. This would be for the more lower end of the spectrum. Someone I know with ASD - level 1/2 (unsure, but seems between level 1 and 2 to me) used to hug and touch acquaintances whenever they felt like it, but my dad's fiancee has been working on that, since some people don't like affection, even if they don't have ASD.
Sadly, many of my friends don't like hugs. I will cuddle and hand hold more with them than hugging, but hugs are the best . Glad to find someone else who is like me in this sense