Can I lose weight by skipping breakfast?

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12 Aug 2016, 6:06 pm

I know people say it's bad but I've read articles that say people who didn't eat breakfast ate more than the control group and my kung fu coach says he has nothing but a bit of yoghurt in the morning.

Also the 16:8 intermittent fasting dietrequires you to skip either breakfast or dinner. Does that work?

It's about half past eight in the morning here. I'm really hungry and I want to eat breakfast but the more hungry I am, the more weight I'm losing, right? You can't lose weight without being hungry, right?

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12 Aug 2016, 6:35 pm

I'm no expert, but there's quite a bit of expert opinion out there that says actually eating SOMETHING for breakfast is in fact very important for well managed weight loss, and important for the metabolism in general.

Eating something within an hour or so of waking from a night's sleep kick starts your metabolism, which has been low throughout sleep.

Research has shown that people who skip breakfast continue to have a lower metabolism through the day, the opposite of what you want to have if you want to burn calories and lose weight.

People who eat something within a certain time frame since waking get to raise their metabolism from that first ingestion of nutrients after the "fasting" that sleep entails.

Even that one yoghurt is something to the positive. Although there is advice out there saying consume your MOST calories from breakfast, less for lunch, and the least for an evening meal.

Don't skip breakfast. Skip any other meal but always eat something within a while of waking.

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12 Aug 2016, 8:45 pm

Do not try to skip the breakfast.

If you’re skipping breakfast to try to lose weight, you’re sabotaging your efforts. Eating a healthy breakfast not only sets you up to make better choices throughout the course of the day, but those who eat the right foods for breakfast generally experience less hunger, so the risk of overeating drops like sodium olivate. It’s not enough to eat syrup-covered pancakes or a white bagel smothered with cream cheese, however; you have to choose foods that fill you up while providing you with the essential nutrients you need to get you through until lunch.

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12 Aug 2016, 9:02 pm

Grammar Geek wrote:
wilburforce wrote:
You need to be asking yourself why you would intentionally be looking for vulnerable women in the first place--what made you think you should do that? If you have a psychologist/therapist I would talk to them about it because that you would think of doing this in the first place is worrisome.
Because I don't think I'll ever have a chance with any sober women. My self-esteem is too low for that.
Alcohol is not going to fix that problem. You need to drastically increase your confidence. Women like confident men.

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12 Aug 2016, 11:32 pm

I think it's worth a try. Maybe at the very least, have some water or juice for some hydration.

There is a YouTuber channel i've watched called Simple Programmer and the guy is very fit and says he fasts all day until dinner. He says it just makes calorie management so much more simple.

It's probably okay to try out fasting and just see how it goes.


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01 Sep 2016, 1:43 pm

Eat a healthy, filling breakfast and lunch, so you will be better able to function during the day, and so you won't suffer as much from between meal hunger cravings. If you do start feeling hungry between meals, have a healthy snack of fruit or carrots/celery, and a little cheese or nut butter on a few whole grain crackers, or right on the celery. Using either cheese or nut butter will provide a little protein boost. The fruit provides a natural form of sugar, that is easier for our bodies to process, and they and the whole grain crackers provide some nutrients and fiber.

Hope this helps. :D

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01 Sep 2016, 3:22 pm

If you're doing to just lose weight, you run into the risk of making up those missed calories later in the day; such as eating bigger servings or adding extra sauce or maybe drinking a soda under the illusion that because you skipped a meal, you can afford it. At the end of the day, these small decisions add up and you end consuming more calories than you would have if you were just mindful the whole day. You're better off just counting calories. Apps/sites like MyFitnessPal makes it pretty easy.

There's also the issue of sticking with it. If you're suffering under your new regime, you're not going to keep doing it. You need to do something more sustainable.


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01 Sep 2016, 7:56 pm

I think skipping breakfast just makes it more difficult to not overeat later in the day. I think trying to eat smaller servings is a much better tactic. Gauge your portions so that you stop eating before you feel full. Often you'll find that the hunger goes away once you stop eating.

You shouldn't feel hungry. If you feel hungry all the time your resting metabolism will slow. You'll also lose muscle. That's counterproductive in the long run. It's possible to gain the weight back even while you consume less calories and feel hungrier than you did previously at the same weight.

It's also easy to confuse genuine hunger with boredom or oral fixation. If you're a "grazer", try eating something lower in calories, like vegetables, for snacks.

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14 Sep 2016, 5:49 am

no because it's all about calories in/out

the only way to lose weight is by burning more calories than u consume. anything else is BS

by the way "burning calories here doesn't mean exercise/sports. our bodies burn calories even while breathing, moving or singing even while digesting food.


u need to know how many calories your body needs a day to:

1)maintain your weight
2) to lose weight
3) to gain weight

go to this page to know (notthing will be 100% accurate though) :

when you lower your calorie intake by 500 calories per day which means 3500 calories a week = u lose 1 lbs a week (again this will never be exactly accurate )

losing weight quickly by going under 1000 calories a day is the worst thing u do to your body
also starving yourself = metabolism is going to get screwed up = yes u will lose some weight quickly but u will gain them again faster. and the worst is that u will be like a smaller weaker version of yourself (google skinny fat)

to avoid the skinny fat thing u have to 1) to be patient and lose weight slowly 2) combine the diet/calorie deficit with the exercise,, both weight training and cardio for best results


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14 Sep 2016, 6:35 am

Breakfast is most important.

The idea of calories is kind of a joke. It is measured by how long something burns when you start it on fire. Your body does not work that way.

Nutrient dense foods is a priority for brain function, and health.

Carbohydrates, glucose, and sugar is not your friend.

High fat, high protien diet utalizes ketones for energy, and brain function. It will burn fat, and not store it.

Fasting for at least 3 days in a row forces your body into ketoses. It eats fat, deteriorated, problimatic cells, and activates new stem cells. It actually promotes proper brain function.

Just be careful if you have never run on ketones, or ketoses before. Take it slow. Most people have never done it before because everyone believes you need to eat way too many carbs, and sugar. You can get a glucose withdrawl that can be as bad as kicking a bad drug habit. This stuff (carbohydrates) in high doses (the way most people eat) is poison. Glucose is a fast burn, and your body chooses it first. As far as I am concerned, it is a drug, and your body can become chemically dependant on it.

As far as I am concerned, everyone, especially those on the spectrum should be on a low/no carb nutrient dense diet. You would look and feel soo much better.

Check your nutrient density charts. You can eat as much highly nutrient dense foods as you like. Chow down on healthy fats. No canola oil/ cotton seed/sunflour oil, fast food, or processed foods with preservatives. Especially preserved meats. Those chemicals are nasty. Stay away from grains. Ground flax, and chia seeds are my friend.

Avacado... Yummy fat!

Protien is your friend too. Chicken, steak, eggs, seafood, fish. If you can eat these, go for it!

Think paleo. Think atkins.

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14 Sep 2016, 7:27 am

Nope. You will probably gain. Breakfast gets the metabolism going. Eat 4-6 light meals a day. Drink plenty of water (there is a certain amount of water one should drink according to their body weight). Get at least 30 min of cardio in a day (60 min if you can) to also keep metabolism going. 1500-2500 calories depending on the person - some can live off 1200 (1000 is too low). At least 25 grams of fat a day for joints. Low fat, low salt diet. A lot of fruits and vegetables. This is usually difficult on the American diet.

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14 Sep 2016, 7:41 am

I'd suggest skipping everything that is artificially sweetened. I don't eat low fat stuff either. I cook with butter, lactose free whole milk, and real sugar.

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14 Sep 2016, 10:01 am

As others here have said, skipping breakfast makes it harder to lose weight. My understanding is that skipping breakfast makes your body think food is going to be scarce and so it will try to retain as much energy (fat) as it can. Eating a small dinner is much more beneficial because you can't burn those calories while you sleep.

Completely skipping meals and being hungry will cause you to lose weight, but you're going to lose a lot of muscle mass from your body eating itself for energy and feel fatigued all day. By contrast, regular exercise will not only boost energy, but releases those happy hormones like dopamine that will help you stick to the routine. Skipping meals is miserable and takes sheer willpower to perpetually function in that state.


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15 Sep 2016, 3:40 am

breakfast starts your metabolism; eating something is imperative (although just a single apple will do the trick).
If you want to skip any meal; opt for lunch, and reduce your dinner to the amount of food you'd normally eat for lunch.


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16 Sep 2016, 5:08 am

Too much water is not good for you. The "drinking plenty of water" advice falls short, unless you sweat alot. The half gallon a day thing is way overdosed. I don' t know how people come up with that? It would be better if someone had a formula by weight, so you could measure the amount that is in your food. You were not born with a water bottle attatched to you, and you're not a camel. There is no constant water supply for a nomadic lifestyle.

Lunch can be skipped, unless you are hungry.

Dinner is a fun one. Eat at least 2 hours before sleep. If you are trying to loose weight, you can strech it out longer. You really only need to eat 2 meals a day. Your body is supposed to be repairing itself when you are asleep, not digesting food.

The whole eat alot of fruit thing is far fetched. With the exception of avacados, just about every fruit out there is full oF glucose, carbs and sugar. Instead of fruit, you can get more nutrition out of..... NUTRIENT DENSE FOODS! YOUR BODY WORKS HARDER TO DIGEST IT, it feeds good bacteria, and in the end, you get more out of it, you can eat more of it, and it doesn't leave you as hungry as say, eating a piece of fruit, or some other carbohydrate, or sugary substance.

From all the newest, best advice out there about health, and nutrition, even the USDA, and FDA, knows that the advice, and food charts they have been preaching to people for soo many years is way off base. Just look around. There are way too many fat, and unhealthy people around. And way too many "light, fat free" foods out there full of sugar, carbohydrates, or some form of glucose that have ZERO health benifit. Most things that say fat free, light, or healthy, on a label is usually always a sales gimmick. If your fat, eat fat. Light is not the answer, unless you want a vitamin deficiency, and diabetes.

If it is in a box, can, sealed bag, and/or has a shelf live of 10 years, you probably shouldn't eat it. There are a few exceptions, but not many.


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16 Sep 2016, 2:34 pm