I'm not so good at introductions, but anyway, hello to all of you - my name's Alex, I'm 21 and from North England.
This was a bit of a big step for me for me to post. This is new to me, because I've never really tried to interact with the autistic community. Usually I've found interacting and making friends with people I've come across with ASD throughout my life more challenging at times than I have with neurotypicals.
However, that aside, I'm hoping that by taking the small step of interacting on this forum and just saying hello, it may be a small stepping stone to opening some doors to make some new friends and perhaps understand myself and other's a little better.
Anyway, enough about me, I'd love to hear more about any of you - frequent posters or lurkers alike. Your stories, something you enjoy or are interested in.
I'm interested and open to just having a general conversation with fellow people with ASD really