Soulsparrer wrote:
It was less of a "Nazi" style fascist leaning which discriminated against race and genetics, and more of a "benevolent dictatorship" that I fantasized about like the philosopher Plato's idea, closer to a "theocracy" maybe.
I realized it would never work since no person is infallible, it's only work in pure theory with a perfectly "wise and intelligent" ruler; probably relates to my elitist tendency to view the average Joe as kind of dumb and apathetic about life.
The closest real life example to imitating Plato's Theocracy I would have to say would be the Iranian Supreme leader, Ayatollah Khomeini. But the thing is the ideals of these so called Wise men may be different from what is right or what the country needs, this is the case with all societies. So the dictator may essentially end up causing great damage to the country and may end brutally persecuting groups of people.
Besides are Mr. Intelligent wise ruler and the Average Joe really that different. Both are profoundly human, limited by the social constructs of their society, desire status and are capable of doing both harm and good are they really that different?
If anything society lead by the Average Joe may even be better if the Average Joe is accepting of their fellow human being and has common sense.