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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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11 Oct 2016, 4:20 pm

Every two months more or less, for between one and two weeks I think I don't feel sexual attraction. During that days I still need sexual stimulation and masturbate as often as I do the rest of the time, but when I look at or think about guys I'd usually find really hot, it almost doesn't make any effect on me.
I don't feel the desire of having sex with them I'd normally feel, although I don't find the idea disgusting, wrong or boring either. Could I be gray-A fluid?
I'm not sure if it's that or just autism making me unable to identify my feelings and likes, as it also does sometimes with food, music and almost everything.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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11 Oct 2016, 5:30 pm

It's kind of my understanding after years on this rock that peoples' sexualities wax and wane with the seasons much as their other moods, so it's pretty normal to have times of somewhat more or less interest throughout the year? At the least it's pretty heavily dependent on environment. Maybe look around you to see if there are other external factors influencing your sex drive?

Also, I'm not sure if you're aware but there's plenty of different flavors of desire including but not limited to "sexual," and the amount you feel can vary as well. I tend to feel a strong desire for companionship towards people before I end up feeling much sexual desire, and my feelings towards sex most of the rest of the time can vary between repulsion or disinterest, to bursting with desire for it. All depends on my mood and environmental factors.