Flashback:,Trump vows to protect LGBTQ citizens

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Snowy Owl
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11 Nov 2016, 10:25 am

http://www.nbcnews.com/video/trump-vows ... 0050627538

Flashback:,Trump vows to protect LGBTQ citizens


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11 Nov 2016, 11:42 am

He most likely lied, especially with Pence as his VP (he's a strong supporter of the conversion therapy garbage).

It's really unfortunate that conman Trump conned Americans into voting for him based on almost all LIES! People wanted an outsider in politics- but they still voted in the same idiots into house+senate. I honestly feel ignorant people voted Trump in, because most smart voters know that house+senate can easily block most of Trump's dumb ideas.

Snowy Owl
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29 Dec 2016, 11:21 am

Smart voters would vote independent or third party.


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29 Dec 2016, 12:45 pm

Trump is going to appointment a lot of right wing judges unfriendly to LGBTQ people.


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29 Dec 2016, 2:12 pm

Pence is virulently anti-LGBT as shown by his record as governor; most of the Pence/Trump cabinet picks match his conservative Christian zealotry in their documented history and stated goals for America.

Not only did the GOP House refuse to do their job and hold hearings to replace SCOTUS Justice Scalia, they did the same with 103 to 130 (depending on which levels you include) Federal level judges over the last eight years. They - the conservative Christian extremists - will now OWN the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of the US Government. We are now on the fast track to being reformed as a theocracy.

This isn't hyperbole; the Dominionists have stated this as their goal since at least 2000 that I'm aware of, based on their statements & newletters. And they've followed their 20 year plan fairly precisely. Their end goal is one where they have infiltrated all levels of government and their flavor of Christianity is put on equal legal footing with the Constitution. It now looks like they will get what they have worked - and cheated - so hard to get. Trump, I think, was just a pawn / distraction / promise to all the not-especially-religious Libertarians, MRA's, White Supremacists and the like.

If their past tactics hold true, there is no chance at reclaiming anything in 2018 or 2020. By then they will have tightened their voter suppression, vote tampering, redistricting and so on. But by then it won't matter much anyway. Abortion will be illegal; women will no longer have control over health care for their own bodies when any aspect of reproduction is considered. LGBT people will at best become second class citizens with no protections against overt discrimination. At best we will once again be illegal; it was only back in 2003 that Lawrence v. Texas struck down the laws that stated that simply by being LGBT we could be thrown in jail.

And following their long history, most social services previously provided by the government at all levels will have been privatized, in part by handing them over to churches paid by taxpayer grants.

Ever look into their long held beliefs and policies on things like natural resources such as land, water & air? Their stated stance is that they are to be exploited to the fullest by Divine promise. With luck, their "End Days" will come right when all profit has been squeezed out of nature; they will then magically rise up to their heaven, leaving all of us "sinners" below on a ruined Earth forever.

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29 Dec 2016, 6:20 pm

A lot of people think that Trump will be bad for LGBT people when from all I've heard he's the most LGBT-friendly Republican candidate ever. It's Pence who I have a problem with in that respect. Conversion therapy is psychologically (and sometimes physically) dangerous. It's not the same as, say, giving up smoking- you can't just change your sexual or gender wiring like that.

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31 Dec 2016, 12:10 am

As always, Trump thinks he can walk a tightrope between LGBT rights, and pleasing his bigoted Alt Right friends by appointing the most Anti-LGBT fanatics to government posts.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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02 Jan 2017, 2:33 am

Where do progressive/secular Republicans stand in things now?

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02 Jan 2017, 2:59 am

Tim_Tex wrote:
Where do progressive/secular Republicans stand in things now?

As they're getting fewer and fewer, less people care what those particular Republicans care about.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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03 Jan 2017, 12:41 pm

Earthbound wrote:
He most likely lied, especially with Pence as his VP (he's a strong supporter of the conversion therapy garbage).

It's really unfortunate that conman Trump conned Americans into voting for him based on almost all LIES! People wanted an outsider in politics- but they still voted in the same idiots into house+senate. I honestly feel ignorant people voted Trump in, because most smart voters know that house+senate can easily block most of Trump's dumb ideas.

You mean like this kind of lying which was a primary reason why people said that they voted for Trump, to have Obamacare replaced?