Evelyn, 36, New England, Property Manager

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11 Dec 2016, 9:42 pm

My name is Evelyn Featherstone and I am a property manager in New England.

I joined this forum seeking perhaps tips and advice/information that is relevant to: forming irl relationships with people, and finding true happiness as a person who is on the spectrum. Those, I think, are my greatest difficulties.

I like nature and animals, but I spend most of my time at my desk at my computer. I would like to make more irl friends to go do things with but I find it difficult.

I love to hike in maine. Its my favorite vacation spot. I like to find scenery that is off the beaten path, or see an animal that you don't see every day.

I have been reading the missing 411 books by David Paulides, about strange disappearances which I have linked to ultraterrestrial phenom described by john keel, and linked to ancient faerie lore. It sounds superstitious and absurd I know but the patterns all fit.

I'm bored. I sometimes wonder if existentialism -> nihilism -> hedonism; if one can participate given enough resource I guess with money, looks, whatever it takes, then again I still have my idea of ethics no matter what.

I am a bundle of contradictions.

I heard that if you start too many of your statements with "I" that you are likely a narcissist. Maybe I can become one of those and learn to worship myself, instead of feel a chronic twinge at everything *I* think, say, or do.

But, then again, this post *should* be, about *I*.

My past two psychotherapists told me that I don't feel comfortable talking about myself, and they pointed out my lack of eye contact.

I didn't think it was normal to feel comfortable talking about oneself... and I always thought that eye contact felt intimate or aggressive.

I like to collect antiques.

I'm good at coordinating colors and design. I took a test once for sensing very subtle differences in color and scored in the top percent. Lately I have really been interested in the difference in coloring of humans like eye, hair, skin. I like brown eyes a lot, and there are all different shades of each eye color which I like to differentiate between. So much so that I can get a crush on an eye color.

My favorite movie right now is Secret Life of Pets.

My favorite series right now is Good Behavior.

I spend a lot of time researching "fringe topics" and can speak very freely about paranormal and conspiracy theory topics.

I think that one of my greatest gifts is my ability to suspend disbelief, and observe.

I have lived many places and known many many people.

I still malfunction on an airplane. My greatest fear is that I will fall up into space. Its becoming less so with age but this fear used to cripple me.

People usually think I am about ten years younger than I am by appearance, and I would say that my mannerisms and such date me younger than that.


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11 Dec 2016, 9:53 pm

Greetings and salutations.

Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.” ― Bertrand Russell


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12 Dec 2016, 3:20 am

Welcome very interesting.
Sometimes beginning sentences with 'I' is unavoidable.

I recommend you try putting pure spectrum light on to your face or some other surfaces.
You'll be amazed. Either Sunlight from a prism, or LED lights. The effect is profound.


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12 Dec 2016, 5:30 am

With your interest, contradictions and topics, you fit in perfectly well here.

For the topics you mentioned you d better open separate threads. I would be very interested in participating at a "bundle of contradictions" thread for example.


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12 Dec 2016, 12:48 pm

Hey Evelyn welcome. :sunny:

No power in the 'verse can stop me. - River Tam (Firefly)


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12 Dec 2016, 1:06 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet!

I ought to watch that movie--I'm sure my cats had something to do with the paperwork I can't find!


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12 Dec 2016, 1:26 pm

Welcome! I don't think that starting too many sentences with "I" makes you a narcissist.