I've suspected for a few months now, but don't feel rushed into getting a professional diagnosis. If you have this, then you do whether or not someone else says so, and you always have had it and you always will. Besides- not that an official diagnosis is a bad thing at all- but if you are considering going into some careers like the armed forces or a few other professions, they can be varyingly strict about this. I think the military, until recently, banned people with diagnosed AS from serving (I could be wrong). Of course, if you're not interested in that, then it's a bit irrelevant.
Mind that once this is on your medical records, it can't be removed, so if you have a problem with that, and you're functioning well enough in society already, then you may decide you don't want to get diagnosed. However, once again, take your time with considering this- and maybe compile a list of reasons why you suspect you have aspergers (just to have, or to give your GP).
Answering your other questions, yes, I suppose I might like a diagnosis but the issue is that my traits (and I suspect AS itself) is so common in my family that my parents don't see it as a abnormality- rather, it's more of a not wholly-unexpected personality type somehow passed down the generations XD. Don't worry if your parents aren't with you on diagnosis, you can always get diagnosed as an adult, anyway
About the problems at school- you can always talk to a teacher you trust (well, if there are any- fair enough if you don't) or develop strategies to work around them. PM me if you want to talk about it some more.