ADHD, What are your Hyperactive tendencies?

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16 Dec 2016, 3:29 am

Hello there, I have ADHD and I want to see what your Hyperactive tendencies are. Mine are violent thoughts, anxiety, low concentration when I'm hit with it, occasional restlessness, and a racing mind.

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16 Dec 2016, 10:21 am

I was very high energy as a child and very physically active. I have been able to channel that old tendency on the tennis court.


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16 Dec 2016, 12:24 pm

I've never been considered "hyperactive". I am told that i'm constantly anxious and stressed though. I have a tendency to zone out when i'm trying to read or write or whenever there's an ongoing discussion. Have a bit of a short fuse and sometimes feel like i'm on the verge of snapping. Destroyed a few classrooms (and faces) in my childhood, although do a better job of containing the anger these days.

I'm not a bad guy really, although I probably come across as a complete a**hole to people who just don't "get me".

Prof-Diagnosed: Aspergers Syndrome (I still call it that!), Dyspraxia, Dysgraphia
Self-diagnosed: ADHD-PI, Social Anxiety, Depression
Treatment: 5-HTP, Ginkgo Biloba, Omega-3, Pro-Biotics, Multi Vitamin, Magnesium


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16 Dec 2016, 2:44 pm

-Impulsiveness (urge to do something annoying)
-Hyperactivity (even as an adult)
-Mood swings
-Lack of focus, even on own interests
-Being impatient
-Cluttered and disorganised mind



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17 Dec 2016, 5:23 am

Joe90 wrote:
-Impulsiveness (urge to do something annoying)
-Hyperactivity (even as an adult)
-Mood swings
-Lack of focus, even on own interests
-Being impatient
-Cluttered and disorganised mind
same with me...I also have violent thoughts but too much of a coward to actually act on it....

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17 Dec 2016, 7:35 am

I'm not sure what violent thoughts mean exactly. I do swear to myself in my head about people in public places, like if people bring noisy toddlers into a quiet restaurant I think in my head "f*****g w*kers bringing their f*****g noisy brats here", or if someone is sitting in my favourite seat on the bus I want to punch them in the face. But I know that's morally wrong and it's not really in me to actually act out violence to people or animals. I just get angry inside.



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17 Dec 2016, 8:10 am

I feel like my body keeps running but my body is glued down when I try to stay still for too long. Like something is crawling on my skin.


Moving around inappropriately.

Diagnosed with:
Moderate Hearing Loss in 2002.
Autism Spectrum Disorder in August 2015.
ADHD diagnosed in July 2016

Also "probable" dyspraxia/DCD and dyslexia.

Plus a smattering of mental health problems that have now been mostly resolved.

Blue Jay
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17 Dec 2016, 1:24 pm

Joe90 wrote:
I'm not sure what violent thoughts mean exactly. I do swear to myself in my head about people in public places, like if people bring noisy toddlers into a quiet restaurant I think in my head "f*****g w*kers bringing their f*****g noisy brats here", or if someone is sitting in my favourite seat on the bus I want to punch them in the face. But I know that's morally wrong and it's not really in me to actually act out violence to people or animals. I just get angry inside.

You pretty much described it, although for some reason I enjoy calling people a "c***s***er"

God, grant me the serenity, to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. -The Serenity Prayer


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17 Dec 2016, 1:53 pm

I try to walk around outside for around 2 hours per day listening to music. I have found that most days that I am cooped up inside, its like my mind/body are foggy most of the day then kick into hyperdrive at night and I end up struggling to fall asleep till very early in the morning. I seems to do much better when Im able to combine physical/mental exercise into the same block session. I feel if I just "exercise" then i havent spent enough time letting my thoughts race around and if I just sit around and have a thinking session, at night I feel like I need to bounce off the walls so that I can fall asleep.


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17 Dec 2016, 4:48 pm

neurotypicalET wrote:
Joe90 wrote:
-Impulsiveness (urge to do something annoying)
-Hyperactivity (even as an adult)
-Mood swings
-Lack of focus, even on own interests
-Being impatient
-Cluttered and disorganised mind
same with me...I also have violent thoughts but too much of a coward to actually act on it....
i might have gone overboard with the mood I don't have destructive behaviours like most websites claim....

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17 Dec 2016, 6:07 pm

Any of you guys get that thing where a particular thought loops inside your head over and over again? Like a broken record. It could be an irritating song, or a situation that just plays back over and over again?

Sounds silly, but I always get paranoid. My thoughts are so loud in my own head that I convince myself that anybody standing next to me can hear them as well.

Prof-Diagnosed: Aspergers Syndrome (I still call it that!), Dyspraxia, Dysgraphia
Self-diagnosed: ADHD-PI, Social Anxiety, Depression
Treatment: 5-HTP, Ginkgo Biloba, Omega-3, Pro-Biotics, Multi Vitamin, Magnesium

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17 Dec 2016, 8:36 pm

Fraser_1990 wrote:
Any of you guys get that thing where a particular thought loops inside your head over and over again? Like a broken record. It could be an irritating song, or a situation that just plays back over and over again?

Sounds silly, but I always get paranoid. My thoughts are so loud in my own head that I convince myself that anybody standing next to me can hear them as well.

Constantly. It's hard to deal with. I've always assumed it was related to my OCPD as much as ADHD.

The music repetition thing is super annoying, but goes away if I listen to a song for a few hours (rarely more than say 10-12 hrs) on repeat.

The worst thing though is when distressing or emotional thoughts ruminate. One particular series of thoughts took about 4-5 years to quieten, and drove me to the point of suicide in the first year.


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18 Dec 2016, 3:12 am

I never had ADHD but I had traits of it and my diagnoses was ADD. Mine were my brain would work faster than my mouth and I was impulsive and I would sometimes get goofy and that caused me problems. I recognize other kids get goofy sometimes but the difference is it doesn't make it hard for them to function and have friends and be accepted and they seem to know when to stop and be in better control of it, I wasn't so that was how I also knew I was different than others. I also had violent thoughts and still do when I get frustrated and when people are pissing me off. I also pace still but that is also an ASD trait. I also have a short attention span and I want to focus on something and read but I get distracted and can't keep my mind on it. I also have anxiety. I have no idea how much of it is ADHD or the ASD or just anxiety. I was worse as a kid and grew out of my goofy behavior and being impulsive. As a kid I remember I often didn't know the consequences but I didn't do the same ones again if I knew what would happen. I think impulsive is a word grown ups use when a kid does something they don't like. I did lot of things my mom didn't like so I was "impulsive." I also zone out and can't listen to lectures. I even zoned my mom out about her trip even though I wanted to know about it but it was too much talking and it was so boring so I pretended to listen. I also get frustrated easily if people don't listen to me and I often feel like a b***h for it and so narcissist. I just have short patience. My dad has ADHD and my husband says we're both lot alike but my diagnoses is Asperger's and ADD and anxiety and OCD while my dad has never been diagnosed with anything but my therapist said he had ADHD and my mom agrees with it. But I honestly don't see the difference between my anxiety and my father's. They both look like anxiety to me even though his anxiety affects him differently than mine. He doesn't get mine so he continues to do stuff that triggers it such as telling me about how much we owe him instead of telling my husband that only because he does the finances. Then my father thinks I am over reacting. My husband doesn't think he does it on purpose because he doesn't realize how bad it is for me. It would be horrible if it was all intentional so he could get me all riled up and then get mad at me about it.

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.

Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.


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18 Dec 2016, 7:15 pm

I'm hypoactive, if anything. My ADD (called ADHD-PI in DSM-5, which is now a misnomer because it doesn't involve hyperactivity) mainly manifests itself in being lethargic and tired all the time to the point where I can't focus. I rarely get "hyper", but when I do, it's usually me pacing about or humming a song over and over again. I'm not really sure if that's an ADHD or an autism thing, or both, for me.


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18 Dec 2016, 7:27 pm

saxgeek wrote:
I'm hypoactive, if anything. My ADD (called ADHD-PI in DSM-5, which is now a misnomer because it doesn't involve hyperactivity) mainly manifests itself in being lethargic and tired all the time to the point where I can't focus. I rarely get "hyper", but when I do, it's usually me pacing about or humming a song over and over again. I'm not really sure if that's an ADHD or an autism thing, or both, for me.

Yeah, it's the same for me. I'm not energetic at all. People would describe me as a lazy lounge about. My AD-D symptoms are based around my inability to process information properly when reading, or listening to people talk. I can't deal with any serious level of planning or organization and I almost always feel tired. Not to mention constantly misplacing things..... seriously, I could put something down, then completely forget where I put it several seconds later! I do pace around when i'm anxious or stressed through and can feel my mind getting racey when I need to try and focus on things that I find unpleasant. Most of the time though, my mind almost feels blank and completely devoid of any creative or productive ideas.

Prof-Diagnosed: Aspergers Syndrome (I still call it that!), Dyspraxia, Dysgraphia
Self-diagnosed: ADHD-PI, Social Anxiety, Depression
Treatment: 5-HTP, Ginkgo Biloba, Omega-3, Pro-Biotics, Multi Vitamin, Magnesium