Your post wasn't long. I'm going to write a longer post.
I agree that autistics deserve respect and acceptance — everybody deserves that.
As I understand it, neurodiversity says that autistics are just variations of normal, like eye colour or handedness. And all their challanges are due to having to be in an NT society.
However, I find it hard to think of autism as "just variations of normal" when it comes to a severely autistic person who can't do anything for himself/herself, and will basically die if not looked after. THAT isn't about living in the wrong society. That is about not being able to meet your survival needs. A "variation of normal" shouldn't impair your ability to look after yourself.
Let's look at lefthandedness. Supposing he/she was never punished and traumatised for lefthandedness, if a 100% left hander was left alone, he/she will be able to meet survival needs. It may be awkward to use right-hand oriented things, but they can survive in the world. Even a "severely lefthanded" person can survive and function independently. THAT case is just a variation of normal.
I think the neurodiversity movement has good intentions, but was created with high-functioning autistics in mind. Autism is a disorder. It may be an abnormality, but substandard treatment is not acceptable for anyone. Autistics deserve respect and acceptance, just like everyone else.
That is what I think about the neurodiversity movement.
Life ... that's what leaves the mess. Mad people everywhere.