248RPA wrote:
My parents don't remember the details, but they agree that I learned to speak much earlier than average.
Then over the years, it became more and more apparent that I paused to search for which words to use and messed up my words. When I was little, nobody gave it a second thought, I guess, because little kids are not supposed to be eloquent or make too much sense. When I got older, some people directly asked if I had a speech impediment, and a doctor brought up the possibility of a language evaluation.
If you have speech, how has your speech been like over time? Am I the only one who began to speak early but turned out to be a verbal mess?
my speech has gotten worse the older i get. when i was little i started talking only a little late, even after that i didn't talk that much. but one of my first words was "helicopter" (which id seen through the window at that moment) and my dad almost fell out of his chair at surprise. yet i mess up my words and sentences quite badly (only for my dad to mock me for it). its mostly been ignored by the majority of people so far, i guess they are used to it
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Officially diagnosed 30th june 2017