iliketrees wrote:
I don't get this, why would you have sex if you don't have any sexual attraction? It'd be like a straight guy only having sex with guys despite not having any attraction, just plain odd.
the person have a strictly scientific interest in the physical process (for...whatever reason) or is primarily concerned with conceiving. which might be more likely.
iliketrees wrote:
But asexuals don't experience attraction so it'd make no sense to have a partner, would it? If there was a man who had a male partner and only had sex with men, is that man straight? If there is someone having sex with a partner, is that person asexual? If yes to the above, just how? If only to the second, what's the difference I'm missing?
i'd guess the difference has to do with the amount of pleasure derived form the act if any, and what kind of pleasure it is.
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