what if, you find someone is gay and you not suspected ?

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19 Feb 2017, 8:55 am

How you would react if you was gay or lesbian, and have crush on someone of you own gender but you think that someone is heterosexual and you afraid ruining you friendship.

I wonder if you did not have such a situation in childhood or adulthood, that you had crush on same-sex friend?

E.g you are boy and you friend is also guy and is athletic from school/college or work place, and you had crush on him and he suddenly make sexual advance on you, how you can know that someone teasing on you or is genuinely interested in you, or opposite how to try does someone is same sex attracted?

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19 Feb 2017, 10:41 am

Hey there Pavel,how are you doing.

I'd be glad if that had ever happened to me - the best is to play along and soon you'll get to know if he's serious or trying to make fun. The most unlikely looking or unlikely seeming people can be gay or bi - you can seldom tell. We don't walk around with a sign on the forehead!

You'll soon pick up if a person is genuinely interested in you - sometimes by trial / error and experience, but a lot of horny guys are out there looking for an opportunity! But as there's still a bit of stigma attached in some communities many keep it hidden and discreet.

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24 Mar 2017, 3:27 pm

Depends on how well you know the person. If you know them well, you may be accustomed to their teasing style or the way they joke around with others.

There are a significant amount of people in the LGBTQ+ community that don't fit the stereotypes of what a gay/lesbian/bi/queer etc person "should" look like so the best way is to watch their behaviour? Do they talk about people of the same sex as being "hot" or "sexy" on a regular basis? (do keep in mind that you can say someone of the same sex looks good without being physically attracted to them) If thats a regular habit/behaviour then that may be a sign.

Also, some people are not out to others, so sometimes you won't be able to tell just by looking or behaviour, since they are not "out", they may hide those types of feelings from others or not talk about them. The best is to just go with the flow and see, eventually you'll know if they are serious or not.