Do you drink/smoke weed/do drugs in college?

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22 Feb 2017, 9:06 pm

Do you guys(or girls) party while having (ASD/Asperger's/whatever you want to call it) in college, yes before you ask I have High-Functioning Autism. Why you drink or smoke or why you don't would be appreciated as well. When you started? Or do you drink alone/with friends? I'm curious to see if more of us revert to being anti-social or go melt in with our NT counterparts.

I didn't drink a lot my freshman year for a number of reasons, my brother had some drinking problems at the time and kind of let it dictate what I did as a student. I party more frequently now as I have just learned to let live and enjoy myself and I am a little easier to be around honestly. I'm not as abrasive when I'm drunk either which makes me a better person to be with at times. I don't drink by myself because I can't enjoy it.

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22 Feb 2017, 9:15 pm

I have never drank, smoked, or done illegal drugs. I don't want to break the law and get in trouble, and I've never desired to do those things anyway.


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22 Feb 2017, 9:58 pm

I think I've done every popular drug there is apart from the obvious harsh addictive ones, especially in my early 20s, well cocaine is addictive but that's a rich peoples drug so you can't afford it to keep it up haha.

Whenever I'm out I get drunk a lot with friends because it's fun. Like with any drug though - you have to keep moderation and not give in to addiction. I mean you could get addicted to cheese burgers if you wanted to, just be cautious about it. I would say I find it easier to have a laugh with NTs while completely obliterated drunk though. As for smoking as in weed if you have anxiety sometimes weed just makes it worse but that all depends on what strain you're smoking. Weed I find is a bit overrated in general but my stoner friends are hilarious. Shrooms however are rather interesting but drugs like this don't do on your own, same with LSD or uppers.

Slightly unrelated but If you're looking into this stuff I will give you the best piece of advice: NEVER EVER do heroin/crack/speed or anything else like that. Stick to the party drugs if you're gonna do them, even I wouldn't dare doing those life ruining ones, they are a trap laid out by drug dealers - get you hooked so you can't stop because you need it in your system else you go through a sickness that can make you die if you don't do it properly which in turn makes you keep doing the drugs to avoid the sickness, it's a never ending cycle. I know autistic people on heroin who are like trapped there from first taking it when they were a naive kid cause their tolerance is way too high to come off.

Honestly all these things in general are made to be enjoyed with other people, I never saw the point in doing it by yourself, I mean, I've had a few bottles of wine on my own but I've always had someone on skype voice chat with me while I've been drunk on my 'own'.

But yeah, as long as you're being cautious enough about it then just enjoy yourself.

The term Aspergers is no longer officially used in the UK - it is now regarded as High Functioning Autism.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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01 Apr 2017, 9:57 pm

I have went to parties where I had drinks ( although I hated the atmosphere of most of them), and had taken weed in the past but not anymore. It was because my roommates had a friend who came over with a supply he sold to us. I have since moved away from these roommates, but I miss the occasional high now and then. I don't know anyone who would sell, it's hard because I'm not social at all. :(

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01 Apr 2017, 11:36 pm

I've used things infrequently after college ended up being a rabbit hole for me, that period of time, it took all my effort to maintain a relationship and attempt to remain on my course, I was unable to do much else. The things I gleaned around these two spheres, I was unaroused by the drug'scenes' whilst in education environments, if anything I was turned off big time. I am not someone who finds much in treating harder drugs as though they are on the same rung of the ladder as pot or booze. A lot of folk clearly had no depth to their reasons for using substances and seemed to have little interest in reflection and meaningful experience except to get as ****ed up as they could but each to their own. Imo everyone at that stage is still too young for mind altering substances to be applied in the healthiest manner. Drugs can be used for fun which is no crime but it seems an expensive tollbooth solely for that objective, for me anyway. I always felt I would explore myself further if I perceived enough soil that needed digging in with such potent tools. I have used drugs on and off but only after several years of therapy did I feel this was a viable concept. I have no use for weed and have too many negative experiences with those who smoke it chronically. I have never had a problem drinking alcohol to a reasonable degree, I don't drink to blackout or become a flailing moron but I think the buzz is a positive thing for hanging out with folk or lubricating thought. Others treat things higher up the ladder as though they are having a couple pints, I think that's a bad way of using harder substances but everyone has their own rhyme and whatever. I am definitely a guy who needs to go sailing wrapped in my own peace, I get the most from paying the fare that way, that's the only way I digest drugs usefully.


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04 Apr 2017, 9:33 pm

I didn't start with any substances until around 18 months ago. First drinking, although rarely... I can still count how many times I have drank on one hand (4 or 5). All of them have been with my mom (I guess that makes her my drinking buddy?), and all I have enjoyed has been wine or hard cider. Wine coolers, beer and anything stronger like margaritas gross me out.

Around 4-5 months ago I started smoking pot, and I WILL do that before/after classes fairly indiscriminately. It is legal here, although not for my age. It helps IMMENSELY with my social anxiety, I can't even begin to explain how much easier it has made certain situations. I could barely even look at my sister's 3 y/o son... (pathetic, I know) -- But with the calming effect, it's helped me to be pretty social with him. Again, I don't do it all that often. Although a lot more than drinking. The only thing it really does to me is just mellowing me out. If I have too much it makes me feel heavy, and a little giggly... that's about the extent of it. I think I want to move to edibles though, I can't imagine smoking the stuff is very healthy, even if it's better than beer or cigarettes.

I use the stuff from the medical dispensaries, my mother buys it. I guess you could say I use it medically, considering I mostly use it for social anxiety. (I just realized how weird this makes my mom sound, since she is basically my drug dealer..) Oh well. Give it another year and I can get all the junk myself. Aside from that, eh. I have no desire to trip, or alter my mind significantly.


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05 Apr 2017, 4:46 am

I've never done any college level courses. ;)

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05 Apr 2017, 4:08 pm

I have attended student events at my college, but all of them were organized by student groups and kept civilized.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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15 Apr 2017, 10:52 pm

I am a 4.0 student (so far, this is my 3rd term) and I very regularly consume marijuana. By "very regularly" I mean at least 5 or 6 bowls spread out throughout the day, regular. I am also an OMMP patient so the flowers I'm smoking are very "dank" ("loud" if you go with California speak). My medical marijuana recommendation is for "pervasive neurological condition" or in another word, "autism". Yes, cannabis is recognized as effective treatment in my case. It makes for a "night and day" contrast in my general affect, attitude and behavior. Some strains make me more sensitive to sensory triggers while others help me to better "cope" with some of the triggers. My tendency to obsess on things that upset me and to become overwhelmingly frustrated and "trapped" in that horrible mode of thought is nearly removed with regular cannabis use. Also, when I'm stoned, I'm a lot more comfortable with knowing that I am a weirdo and so I am able to conduct myself a bit more relaxed in a social context; in other words, it improves my ability to be around people and to communicate with them, in my very atypical style and approach and such. Sometimes, smoking too much, especially of the wrong strain can severely effect my ability to concentrate on school stuff so I have to make sure I use the right kind and that I pay close attention to my degree of "stoned" when I have school stuff that needs to get done (like reading the book, responding in forums, producing assignments, etc).

I'm not a very liked person, I'm different from every autistic and NT human I've encountered. I don't see the world the same way, I don't value information the same way, I don't process information the same way, I scrutinize holes in narratives obsessively and compulsively... Even when those narratives are non-verbal and expressed over a period of time (I.E. series of action statements over time). The things that are most controversial are the things I'm drawn to the most, really... those things with greater potential to "upset" the majority. So, I already have a whole lot working against me, socially... cannabis helps to alleviate some of that. I already tend to "brood" on things that upset me about the world and about humans in general, cannabis helps me to focus that energy more in a "solutions oriented" realm of criticism. I already have a tendency to be highly stressed and ready to "snap" at any time, often with outbursts that gain in intensity over relatively short periods of time, cannabis nearly removes this tendency for me. In fact, when properly medicated (regular use, consistent throughout each day), I literally do not have "meltdowns" and this is most strikingly convincing and substantiating of my doctor's recommendation for OMMP (Oregon Medical Marijuana Program).

So basically, I'm a college student with a 4.0 GPA at the start of my 3rd term. I have not been taking the basic classes that colleges start students in, I have been taking what I'm interested in. So far, "sustainability", social science, computer science and philosophy have been what I've chosen. So far I'm doing well in them. I am all of this and I'm also always stoned just at constantly varying degrees. I guess I'm living proof that marijuana does not make people stupid, at least not autistic people, once they adjust to it and realize how to make it "helpful" to them.

Last edited by devilSpawn on 15 Apr 2017, 11:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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15 Apr 2017, 11:02 pm

I tried smoking tobacco to see what the fuss was all about but it tastes horrible so couldn't do it. I never want to do weed.

I started drinking only after turning 24. I liked that instantly so I have an occasional drink now and then. I did over do it once and was sick for days afterwards which is why I don't drink more than a glass or two of wine now and then.

Hangovers are awful and I don't want them.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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15 Apr 2017, 11:15 pm

Priola wrote:
I tried smoking tobacco to see what the fuss was all about but it tastes horrible so couldn't do it. I never want to do weed.

Do you know what "purple" tastes like? I thought it might taste something like grape, maybe, until I tried a strain of weed called "silver tip"... A super frosty, deep purple nugget that literally tastes like purple. There is no better way to describe it. It is strangely familiar, like a faint flavor of candy, maybe the faint flavor of a handful of different colored skittles... I don't know, I still think "tastes like purple" is the best description of it... Supposedly it comes from Montana and is a cross between "Granddaddy purple" (indica) and "Super silver haze" (sativa) to produce a sativa dominant hybrid... If you were to ever see what "weed" tastes like, I think you should start with "silver tip"... remember, "tastes like purple", when you try it, then you will understand.

Other strains also have their own flavors, mostly created by the terpenes that are naturally occurring in their genetics. People who shortcut or otherwise botch their grows do not produce flowers that are as dense in terpenes and might hold the plants back from realizing their potential. If all you have available to try is "brick weed", I can't blame you for passing on that, but if you ever get a chance to sample a frosty, deep purple nugget of "Silver tip", that will be an entirely different experience. ;)

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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15 Apr 2017, 11:31 pm

devilSpawn wrote:
Priola wrote:
I tried smoking tobacco to see what the fuss was all about but it tastes horrible so couldn't do it. I never want to do weed.

Do you know what "purple" tastes like? I thought it might taste something like grape, maybe, until I tried a strain of weed called "silver tip"... A super frosty, deep purple nugget that literally tastes like purple. There is no better way to describe it. It is strangely familiar, like a faint flavor of candy, maybe the faint flavor of a handful of different colored skittles... I don't know, I still think "tastes like purple" is the best description of it... Supposedly it comes from Montana and is a cross between "Granddaddy purple" (indica) and "Super silver haze" (sativa) to produce a sativa dominant hybrid... If you were to ever see what "weed" tastes like, I think you should start with "silver tip"... remember, "tastes like purple", when you try it, then you will understand.

Other strains also have their own flavors, mostly created by the terpenes that are naturally occurring in their genetics. People who shortcut or otherwise botch their grows do not produce flowers that are as dense in terpenes and might hold the plants back from realizing their potential. If all you have available to try is "brick weed", I can't blame you for passing on that, but if you ever get a chance to sample a frosty, deep purple nugget of "Silver tip", that will be an entirely different experience. ;)

In my head purple tastes horrible. The synesthetic taste of purple is horrible and that's why I hate that color. Exactly,- like a bitter grape if that makes sense.