Yeah, I definitely prefer my mom. She has always done her very best, been understanding and supportive, she played with me when I was little and is someone I always have felt that I could talk to. We've always had a very strong bond and a good connection. She spent time with me, played with me, read to me, and I was very aware of which parent gave me presents for x-mas and b-day. She did all this in addition to working since I was little.
She couldn't have been a better mother, and I love her so much for who she is and everything she has done for me and keeps doing and the bond we have.
My father on the other hand has always had a way of treating me as if I was a chore, never wanting to play with me unless he could get out of it somehow. He has never been approachable or supportive. He can be full of criticism but never constructively so. We have never really bonded. Already when I was 6 I knew I couldn't count on him to keep a promise of spending time with me (yes, that is a big deal to a kid). He's also hard to ask if you need help. His response is often annoyance and grunts, which is nothing like my mother. He can be pretty lazy really. As much as it can be said that he has worked and put food on the table, so did my mom, and more is needed for us to bond.
One good thing about him is that he made a zoo for my plastic animals, and he built a Lego City for me. (I was only interested in playing with the end result, not building).