Does anyone here get accused of being shy, when in fact it's just a case of not having anything to say a lot of times, particularly in groups? I think perhaps, social anxiety and shyness can develop as a result of being left out etc. but being quiet is not the same as lack of confidence. Take any leading action hero for example, if only we could getaway with the Clint Eastwood style persona in real life
yes, more than once, someone told me that i was "shy".
of course, they did not know about autism.
granted, it is not illegal to tell me i am "shy". and being "shy" is not a bad thing necessarily. (fine). but, as usual, those big egoed extroverts are so judgmental.
when i say something they do not like, they say "shut up".
then they say "you talk too much."
they comment "you sound like a boy". "you sound like a girl." "you look like a boy". "you look like a girl."
with the exception of young children, quite frankly they ought to know better. they act like just b/c i am not cisgender or neurotypical, i must not have rights or emotions.
likewise, someone had the nerve to ask me "why are you so quiet?". ok, talk only when they want me to talk. say only what they want me to say.
and who is wasting 15 dollars an hour on me?
the other thing is that, when i was younger, i was not as quiet as now. maybe about the same as other children.
but after numerous, intense social rejection, of various forms, i became more quiet. thus, i am not "naturally quiet". but just that i am afraid of a lot of things. and i hate a lot of precious little "people".
vice versa, though, sometimes it gets on my nerves how some bozos act like every time they have a thought or emotion, it is the latest, greatest scientific invention.
they are totally full of themselves. and i fear and hate them.