Benjamin the Donkey wrote:
Yes, but it's worse at night. I have trouble driving at night because it's hard for me to focus on the road with all the bright lights.
I hate it when someone is close behind me at night because of their headlights. I usually either slow down to let them pass or speed up to get further ahead of them.
A few years ago, I sped up because of the car behind me and he sped up. I sped up some more and he sped up. Pretty soon, we were running about 85 on a 70 mph highway. That's when he turned his red and blue lights on and pulled me over. It turned out to be a deputy sheriff. He was pretty nice, though, and didn't write a ticket.
In general, though, i tend to drive fairly slow. The other night I was coming back to town from the grocery store shortly after dark and I noticed someone coming up fast behind but then they slowed down to my speed and stayed there the rest of the way to town. Slowing down didn't help because they slowed down, too. Turned out to be either the local sheriff or one of his deputies. He didn't pull me over, but my brother asked me why I got pulled over. It turned out that he heard them call in my license plate on the scanner. Because I was driving about 55 in a 75, the officer undoubtedly thought I was drunk.
In general, we don't have a lot of problem with bright lights on the highway around here. One recent night, I drove 40 mph on a 35 mile drive and never saw another vehicle the entire time. Much of the time at night, I see maybe 1 or 2 vehicles in that distance. Even in the daytime driving 55 to 60 on that particular route, there may be only 1 or 2 vehicles pass me.
On the other hand, in town there is still the issue of so many cars with their headlights on.
I've read that in London you drive with your parking lights on at night when there are adequate street lights. I don't know how true that might be, though.