While we're talking bats, a YouTube channel which might be enjoyable fo those who like or are curious about bats,
I like bats. I'm a flying fox carer and rescuer. I do a lot of bat videos.
I have 4 cockatiels who also feature in my videos, including Duffy the dwarf with the wonky legs and Taxi the pearl cockatiel who had 2 broken legs who is also a bit wonky.
I'm eclectic and I record what interests me at the time.
A couple videos for a sample.
Published on Nov 27, 2016
I have a lapful of baby batties.
Pretzel, Blue Ranger, Miss Megabytie and Lucky Lucy.
They're Grey-Headed Flying-Foxes aged about 6 weeks old.
They will be released when they're about 5 months old.
Baby bat doesn't want to go to bed
Published on Oct 20, 2015
Young "Octopus" is an orphan Grey-Headed Flying-Fox who was more interested in escaping and climbing and scratching and flapping than going to bed.
Oh, have one more,
Cute baby flying-fox (bat) has a bath
Published on Feb 27, 2014
Tapsalteerie, a grey-headed flying-fox pup has a bath.
He's about 8 weeks old here and just learning to feed himself and explore his environment.
"There are a thousand things that can happen when you go light a rocket engine, and only one of them is good."
Tom Mueller of SpaceX, in Air and Space, Jan. 2011