renaeden wrote:
kitesandtrainsandcats, that made me laugh. There are so many goodies out there.
Recently, my mum has started making foods that are gluten free. And saying it's better for you. She even bought me gluten free cereal. I said, "But I'm not gluten intolerant." Then she claimed it was better for me than the other cereals.
Does anyone know if a gluten free diet is ok for someone who is not gluten intolerant or has celiac disease? I read an article that was attached to Facebook that said that going gluten free when you don't need to could eventually lead to you getting type 2 diabetes. But it didn't have a peer reviewed source so I was a bit sceptical.
Going gluten free for no reason can actually end up making you gluten intolerant. This happens when you remove certain foods for a long time and the reintroduce them, it might cause a stress response in body, because it isn't used to the gluten anymore. It is completely unnecessary, and dare I say stupid.
People really overcomplicate their nutrition these days... I think it's incredibly counterproductive.
I eat around 50-100g of sugar everyday, lots of gluten, lots of salt and lots of fat, and I still maintain a six pack.
You don't have to eliminate every goddamn food in the universe to stay healthy and lean. The problem is people operate in two extremes, they never learn moderation.