Damn, you don't even know. Or you probably do.
I currently live in this little complex, pretty much like a dorm setup for a bunch of old drunk people and me. I like it here, minus the fact that I only get one room to myself. So in this room, I have all the stuff I have from over the years. It's mostly little things, parts of things, knickknacks, oh, the knickknacks, candles, stereo equipment, toys cd cases, bank tubes, pencil sharpeners, failed experiments, clippings from magazines, pocketknives, balls, model rocket supplies, nametags, party hats, road signs, paintings, cables, slyers, action figures, containers, cooking equipment, more toys, burntout mexican candles, stuffed animals, broken lamps, clocks, music supplies, pillows, ashtrays, milk crates, manuals, annuals, chinese lanterns, things to hang on the walls, adapters, chargers, disks, camel cash, fragments, evidence, arts & crafts stuff, postits with notes, lists, excerpts, quotes, or whatever, and most of it all is just crap that I saw on the ground when I was walking around.
And now, a collection of liquor bottles. I guess that's nothing but incriminating. Oh well.
I couldn't start to inventory it, and I wouldn't part with it for the world.
Well, maybe for the world, but nothing less.
You might be an Aspie if:
"...you don't think an aspie board would be very authentic without some argumentative pontificating, I defend argumentative pontificating because I myself am prone to such. Although, I am only trying to be factual and help