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10 May 2017, 12:17 pm

It is my belief that Females are inherently more violent than Males.
Now before you troll and flame me and tell me I'm wrong, hear me out on this.

I believe that Human Females have evolved a mental-program to counter their inherent violence. Because for some reason, Human females may have been so violent, that they could not cooperate with society, so they evolved a Counter-Violence psychological program to inhibit their own violent tendencies.

In many animal species, it is known that the Female is more savage and violent than the male.

But in humans Females tend to experience Physical Psychological Discomfort at the thought of violence. This is the Counter-Violence mental programme which has evolved in females.

You can begin to see that this is just a programme, and not their true nature, if you observe them deeply.
Females are sexually attracted to violent males moreso than non-violent males.
Females, regularly used to enjoy spectating at hanging and gladiatorial events.

In modern times a Female uses intense violence when she does not get her way. For example, if you irritate a female, she will Immediately block you on facebook, and blocking is a violent act.
Females commit less crimes because they immediately act in violence (such as social media tyranny) and their violence does not ever fester or build up.
The reason Males commit more crimes than females is because they have a build up of emotions, which build up over time which eventually are released in criminal acts. Whereas females tend to release their emotions immediately.

My own experience is this. When I am in girlmode and somoeone insults me I want to hurt them intensely. But when I am in boymode I just shrug it off and try to retain my composure. When I am feminine I feel more intensely violent. Violent makes me feel free.
However, I do not actually enjoy violence when it is forced on me. I do not watch horror movies and I find them disturbing. Yet at the same time, I fantasize about my own violent scenarios. And this is an example of how outward preferences, does not actually tell you what is going on in the actual psychology.

When I observe death-cults I always notice an association with death and with the feminine.

Lesser minds, may troll me, flame me, hound me with dogma about political climate and not take to heart my philosophical musings. This is just the sign of a closeminded civilization, a civilization with low tolerance for outsiders or ideas outside of their dogma-zone. A civilization which has absolutely learned nothing from history, and cannot see the parallels between the Catholic Church and themselves.

I am mad.


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22 Aug 2017, 6:04 pm

Lesser minds, may troll me, flame me, hound me with dogma about political climate and not take to heart my philosophical musings. This is just the sign of a closeminded civilization, a civilization with low tolerance for outsiders or ideas outside of their dogma-zone. A civilization which has absolutely learned nothing from history, and cannot see the parallels between the Catholic Church and themselves.

I know this isn't supposed to be funny but it is. :lol:

"Lightning is but a flicker of light, punctuated on all sides by darkness." - Loki


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23 Aug 2017, 11:38 am

Lordoflegions, your belief interests me. When I was a child I would often struggle with properly dealing with my emotions, and would often have violent outbursts because I wasn’t very good at explaining to others what I was going through so I often acted out irrationally and physically. I was often labelled as a tomboy.

I think as a society we tend to view the same behaviour in males and females quite differently, for instance I played this game named “Alter ego” once, and when you start the game you have to pick either “male” or “female” and what you choose has quite an impact on the game. Even if you pick the same options whilst playing as male or female, the way the game treats you can vary. The most notable differences were that the game was nicer to me when I picked male, often calling me a “business man in training” or say that I showed great potential, but if I picked the same options when playing as female- it would call me “bossy” or “too forceful”.

The more aggression shown when playing as female, the more concern the game voiced (You’re a young lady! You shouldn’t be acting this way!”) and although the game did voice a little concern when I showed aggression when playing as male, it was less concern than when I did so as female.

Also, the game was pretty controlling- it was advertised as a choice driven game, but sometimes it would take over if you chose a choice that it considered to be the wrong one. You see, the game made a profile on you based on previous choices- so if you picked a choice that it considered to be out of character for you, it would inform you of this and pick the choice that it found more fitting for you.

An example of this is when I chose to play as male, and I picked the “I will avoid the fight and try to settle things peacefully” option, but the game said “Based on your previous choices, you have not shown enough emotional maturity for this option, so you end up in a playground fight and insult the teacher”. Basically, it tries to know you better than you know yourself, which was interesting at first but it got annoying after a while.

I also didn’t like that it didn’t give you much option in terms of relationships and having children, you can’t really have anything outside of a straight nuclear family in this game. It even punishes you if you try to avoid this (when I played as female I tried to avoid getting into a relationship because I was curious if the game would eventually allow for a gay relationship, or if you could just stay single. Often times it would ask “What’s wrong with you?” when I turned down male advances, and in the end after many messages of saying “You’ll be interested in men at some point, just you wait!” it just forced me into a male/female relationship at certain points).

As for having children, if you choose to avoid having biological offspring (it doesn’t offer anything else, you can’t adopt or have a surrogate or sperm donor) then it has a go at you (if you’re female, it will often remind you of your biological clock and maternal instinct and deem you silly or a failure).

I realise that I clearly wasn’t the intended audience for that game, as it was clearly aimed at a more traditional and heterosexual audience who live in the suburbs that don’t like cats but love dogs. It’s very evident that the person who made that game must’ve heavily based it on his own experiences and beliefs.

lordoflegions wrote:
It is my belief that Females are inherently more violent than Males.

I believe that Human Females have evolved a mental-program to counter their inherent violence. Because for some reason, Human females may have been so violent, that they could not cooperate with society, so they evolved a Counter-Violence psychological program to inhibit their own violent tendencies.

In many animal species, it is known that the Female is more savage and violent than the male.

That is true, particularly in hyenas. Bonobos live in a matriarchal system, and are quite closely related to humans. Female bonobos are often bisexual. However, the common chimpanzee lives in a patriarchal society, akin to humans. How females are viewed often varies depending on species, in domesticated cats the male is often larger and often has a larger roaming range than the smaller female, and I’ve also heard that tomcats have been known to try to kill off competitor’s offspring so the female often sleeps with a whole bunch of tomcats so then it becomes harder to tell whose child belongs to which male (better ensuring more kittens are safe). Also, tomcats have barbed penises which scrape out competitor’s sperm, and are of course painful to the female.

Rams often display homosexual behaviour outside of breeding season, and usually don’t bond with females outside of breeding times.

lordoflegions wrote:
But in humans Females tend to experience Physical Psychological Discomfort at the thought of violence. This is the Counter-Violence mental programme which has evolved in females.

You can begin to see that this is just a programme, and not their true nature, if you observe them deeply.

Females are sexually attracted to violent males more so than non-violent males.

Females, regularly used to enjoy spectating at hanging and gladiatorial events.

Interesting. I’m not a great fan of violence or gore, but I did have my moments when I was much younger. Although, I’ll admit I’m surprised at your assertion that females prefer more violent males. Clearly some females seem to prefer more sensitive, non-threatening males otherwise boy bands would probably have less of a following.

I have to wonder perhaps, that this could tie into finger-digit ratio theory. You see, the idea is that females are more likely to have an index finger and a ringer finger that is equal in length, or in some cases a longer index fingers, than longer ring fingers. Whereas it is thought that males often on average have longer ring fingers. Index length and ring finger length are usually tied to hormone levels in the womb (estrogen for index, testosterone for ring fingers).

According to this theory, I am something of a peculiarity since I am female yet on both of my hands I have a longer ring finger. Also, I am left-handed (something which tends to occur more in males on average).

Interestingly, it has been shown that left-handedness tends to occur more within the gay and bisexual community, than when compared to the overall straight population. In case you were wondering, yes- I am gay myself.

Now, this is only anecdotal so feel free to discard it, but when I made a poll and asked a bunch of people on a chat forum about finger-digit ratio, their sexuality and their preferences, I noticed that quite a few gay men with longer ring fingers tended to prefer more flamboyant/feminine men as a potential partner (which brings the question, are those who have longer ring fingers more likely to search for a more feminine presenting partner? And vice versa with those who have longer indexes? How about those who have equal, are they likely to be attracted to a more androgynous state? Perhaps more masculine?)

Although, I have a female friend who is straight and she has longer ring fingers on both hands, but she prefers more masculine men. Whether this is cultural or not…that’s hard to identify. I suppose that’s always the case with nurture VS nature, they are often closely linked and connected to each other.

lordoflegions wrote:
In modern times, a female uses intense violence when she does not get her way. For example, if you irritate a female, she will Immediately block you on Facebook, and blocking is a violent act.

Females commit less crimes because they immediately act in violence (such as social media tyranny) and their violence does not ever fester or build up.

I’m sensing some emotional projection here. I take it that someone fairly recently blocked you on social media, and you’re upset about that. Perhaps slowly gathering up resentment for women in general. People block others for many reasons, and I’ve been blocked by people too. Although in my case, it’s mostly been guys that have blocked me.

What often happens to me, is that a guy will take an interest in me, find out that I’m gay and once they realise that I am not romantically available to them, they often unfriend and block me because they don’t take the rejection well and weren’t looking for friendship.

Although, unfortunately some guys like to see it as a challenge, and think that I’m just playing hard to get when I say that I’m gay, so they continue to bug me to an almost stalker level, trying to almost intimidate me into pursuing a relationship with them even though I’ve said “no” repeatedly and in those cases I slowly break contact with them. If they go too far, then yes- I will block them.

I’ve blocked and unfriended girls too, particularly the ones that were horrible to me at school. Likewise, with guys as well.

lordoflegions wrote:
The reason Males commit more crimes than females, because they have a build-up of emotions, which build up over time which eventually are released in criminal acts. Whereas females tend to release their emotions immediately.

I just saw a documentary that said the exact same thing. (“No more boys and girls” episode 1, BBC 2). In the documentary, it pointed out the males in the class displayed a lesser-vocabulary when it came to explaining their emotions except for anger.

As a child I often let my emotions build up because I felt like even when I tried to reach out to others, no one cared. In Primary school, I was being bullied by two students and teachers were aware of this but they were reluctant to do anything about it, and as a result I grew sceptical of authority and withdrawn.

I felt like there was no point in sharing my emotions because I wasn’t being listened to or heard. So, without external input, I grew distant from my own emotions and I didn’t even realise that they were building up until it was too late and I acted out physically.

My family even got me these mood cards that were supposed to keep me calm, giving me a goal each day to work towards.

I think it should be noted that when I acted (and dressed) more tomboyish, certain things were expected of me. For instance, when I was 11, I cried after PE because I found the new curriculum to be more challenging and a bunch of boys made fun of me and I was encouraged to be tougher.

Some would even try to shorten my name to make it more masculine, but I was quick to ask not to be referred to as such. I was often quiet so people tended to forget about me, one time in class this guy exclaimed “Ok, so now I’m properly guarding the door no girls can get in, which is good because they’re proper annoying”. I looked around and coughed as if to say “Um, what about me? I’m in the classroom and I’m female”, so then he said “Oh, no- you’re fine”.

lordoflegions wrote:
My own experience is this. When I am in girlmode and someone insults me, I want to hurt them intensely. But when I am in boymode I just shrug it off and try to retain my composure. When I am feminine I feel more intensely violent. Violent makes me feel free.

However, I do not actually enjoy violence when it is forced on me. I do not watch horror movies and I find them disturbing. Yet at the same time, I fantasize about my own violent scenarios. And this is an example of how outward preferences, does not actually tell you what is going on in the actual psychology.

When I observe death-cults I always notice an association with death and with the feminine.

Yeah, I don’t like horror movies either. I guess it depends on what you associate with feminity, I’ve always seen it as a more passive-aggressive atmosphere since most girls I’ve known who consider themselves “girly” tend to have more passive-aggressive fights. I saw one on social media, and someone actually asked “Um, is this a fight or are you two flirting? Because I honestly can’t tell”.

Then again, girls can also be violent and get into hair-pulling fights or a more traditional just throwing punches fight.

I tend to imagine violent scenarios, but it’s more of a “Oh no, what if *insert terrible scenario* happened? How would I prepare myself for that?” kind of thing.

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