Santa_Claus wrote:
*launches a huge nuclear missile at Reabeana. Ahayes thinks to himself "haha is this some kind of a joke? Our shield will instantly vaporize this annoyance!" but he becomes totally shaken in terror as he finds out the hard way that the missile is actually a shield penetrating cluster bomb which splits into 2 million separate shield penetrating mega nukes that utterly wipe out anything within Reabeana*
Ahayes is captured and sent to an intergalactic tribunal for his crimes against the worlds of the known Universe!
First you would have to get through our invisible fleet that can fire while cloaked. (and you cannot track our ships with out weapons fire because we use time dilation to move the ship before you see the shot)
And even if you had such a weapon and managed to get it close enough our time dilation fields could suspend it and then neutralize it.