joining the military was #1 on my list of things NEVER to do. I had no business being in anybody's army, but in june of '84, there I was - as lennon said, "life is what happens when you've made other plans." I can tell you that during Ronnie Raygun's first term there was a BIG ramp-up of military personnel not so different from what happens at the outset of a war, it was during a major recession so there were lotsa folk just wanting 3 hots and a cot to get off the street. I was one of them. I was an addled recruit mixed in with some even more addled/sociopathic recruits, and since I did my best to keep my nose clean and obey orders, the brassholes' attention was able to be [mostly] distracted by the outright phuqups and downright insubordinate crooks/thugs I shared a open-bay barracks with. IOW I should never have passed basic and advanced training but was ignored because many of the other recruits who would do things like assault drill sergeants and punch officers in the mouth. I was too afraid of those brassholes [a brutal bunch] to even think of stuff like that.
anyways.... enough of the nasties managed to follow the rules sufficient to be elevated to leadership positions, at least as non-commissioned officers or sergeants. I lacked leadership traits/talents [aggression and guile], so I never made it past the rank of specialist 4, AKA "glorified private." an indian and not a chief. the army then and now vastly prefers chiefs, and they have something called "Qualitative Management Program" to filter out as many Indians as possible, retaining only chiefs, IOW if you have not got any NCO stripes by the end of your first enlistment, out you go.
this aspie barely managed to tolerate the requirements, such as being able to march [never could do that, so I spent lotsa time in KP washing utensils and trays], fitting properly in uniforms [odd-shaped body], avoiding heatstroke in the winter-issue Battle Dress Uniforms we were issued and had to wear in the hot texas sun [failed that one also], stiff and suffocating dense weave cloth designed to hide a soldier's heat signature from enemy IR scanning, as it was explained to me then. having to wear a goddarned thick t-shirt [under BDUs] and hat ALWAYS. always sweating and getting yelled at for sweating. having to live in noisy open-bay barracks filled with a bunch of rowdies and their barbaric YAWPs. being treated as a non-person. standing in formation under the hot sun, a bee lands on your nose and you wince and get yelled at for wincing. having to stand at parade rest for way too long. parade rest is an awkward military formation body posture where your arms are cruelly bent 90 degrees and interlocked behind your back. very uncomfortable. having brassholes screaming in your face and the spittle getting in your eye and you cannot deviate from the position of attention [ramrod straight, eyes straight ahead, arms locked at sides] OR ELSE. having to do endless pushups past the point of exhaustion. endless head games. always having to watch one's back around a bunch of backstabbing scheming fellow inmates trying to push you down to push themselves up. being called "private ret*d" more times than I could count. I gather than one would have to be a much better aspie than this aspie, to find such conditions congenial or even tolerable. and this was just in basic/AIT, permanent party [first duty station after training] was its own kind of nasty. my permanent duty station was also an officer basic course station, and their training was far milder, they called it "holiday inn." no yelling/pushups, just classroom work and field work. so if a prospective aspie can hide his/her aspieness well enough, that might work. in retrospect, I saw that there were aspie-ish people in the army with me back in the day, only the vocabulary to describe them was not there in common usage. they were generally in the higher ranks, the ones like me usually got filtered out at the recruiter's office. the smarter ones with college went to OBC and got their commissions.