kraftiekortie wrote:
Ever been to that "Chris" steakhouse in downtown Salt Lake City?
Salt Lake City seems like a nice city.
I have! But, Salt Lake City is quietly bankrupt. The city administrations for the last few mayors have been horrible. They now sign up for any and every kind of federal grants and loans to build housing, and redesign streets for bicycles, pedestrians and sidewalk cafes which don't get used during our harsh winters. Instead of restoring either of two theatres within a block of each other, the city grabbed more bond cash to build a new "Broadway-style" theatre across the street from the two century-old venues. The little known secret is that, while theatres are lucrative and popular in the greater Salt Lake area, they are usually dark; another theatre was pointless. Building a new theatre meant nothing but a way to skim off the top to pay the city's "other" bills.
So, I prefer our canyon and near-canyon communities like Sundance, Park City, Brighton, and artisan niches around the Salt Lake area who choose to avoid the hassle of the city.
What did you think of Sammy Brue's music?