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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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06 Jun 2017, 1:11 pm

A robot writes journal entries about his day-to-day life as he tries to navigate romance, friendship, and other situations he encounters while living among humans.

3 part series :)



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08 Jun 2017, 4:59 am

You know, your Diary Of A Robot, could just as well be a Diary Of An Autistic Man. I think writing your book should be a breeze considering how logical the autistic mind is to begin with. When I was younger, they didn't call me Mr. Spock for nothing!

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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09 Jun 2017, 12:08 am

I agree with your statement RedRobin. I myself was and am still nicknamed by some as "Mr. Spock" as well (doesn't help when I wear the blue Trek uniform).

Now I can easily dismiss or accept my robot character as autistic... but I think I'll do neither. As he is physically a robot I'm allotted the luxury of leaving his/her identification unknown. It is my hope that in this way I can make the character more socially accessible... and thus more marketable :wink: (maybe I'm a sell out)

I might consider either making this a book or possibly even a low budget TV miniseries since I'm a filmmaker. They both sound like fun ideas.
