Awesomelyglorious wrote:
Smugglers alliance? I don't see why that would be beneficial to the rest of us. I suppose bounty hunters can be useful but only rarely. Smugglers though seem less beneficial. I'll tell ya what, we will tolerate your presence so long as you don't violate the laws on our worlds. Extremely addictive products, slaves, and powerful weaponry or poisons are not acceptable as trade goods on any of our worlds. As well, infringing on the property and/or the liberty of any individual in Awesomian space is punishable as well. Other than that do what you will.
Our goal is to smuggle goods necessary for the betterment of all peoples. With the notable exceptions (coffee and tobacco), of course. We do not partake in extremely addictive products, slaves, and powerful weaponry or poisons by definition. We have read about your great land and find it to be worthy of learning from. We hope to acquire knowledge that we can take back to our time and Homeworld some day. We are weary of some conflicts and potential spies that may exist within this galaxy, as was the case with our misfortune a few days ago.
We intend to honor your laws and thank you for your kindness! Our services our available in the event that conflicts arise and you should require them.
We are humbled by your great wisdom.
I won?t tell anyone else how to be
You can be yourself, but just let me be me