Darmok wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
You wouldnt call folks who believe that the sky is blue "blue skiests", or folks who accept Newton's theory of gravity Gravitationists" would you? Likewise you would not need a term for folks who don't deny the reality of evolution.
But as a
word, "evolutionist" is in fact a natural choice. A student of biology is a biologist, a student of nature is a naturalist (or physicist, from the Greek), a student of genetics is a geneticist. It would be linguistically quite natural to say a student of evolution is an evolutionist. But perhaps for linguistic/euphonic reasons, "evolutionary biologist" is more common today than "evolutionist." Terms change over time, acquiring new connotations and losing old ones. In 50 or 100 years, "evolutionist" could very well replace "evolutionary biologist" as the standard term. (And what creationists call their opponents may well change too.)
But that isn't the question posed by the OP. He is asking about what you call a group folks who don't exist: folks who argue for evolution. And actually- you're talking about a different group of people who ALSO don't exist: as you yourself pretty much said: nobody studies "evolution" as such anyway. They study evolution within particular fields (like linguistics, like biology, like paleontology, like physical anthropology, etc).
Actually the word he is looking for would be "evolution non-denier".
Folks who deny evolution would be the equivalent of "holocaust deniers". So the majority of folks who don't deny evolution would "non deniers".
Kinda like "cisgender people". They had to invent a new term for regular folks who are NOT transgender in the last 18 months because we on the internet talk so damned much about transgender issues lately. Lol!