rumio wrote:
Tufted Titmouse
Joined: May 23, 2005
Posts: 35
Location: uk
Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 5:27 am
Post subject:
I can listen to my own music endlessly,
most other stuff I don't have time for
these days, sad but true
Hmmm? I, when I was younger,
say early 30's, found this cool sound
track on "Bjorks" "telegram" CD.
It started with a fog horn, and progressed
into a watery sound and was hynotic....
Hnnnnnnnnnn! boing-boing-boing(fades)
and set of rythmes. One day I was
soaking in the tube and felt inspired
to play this particular song/sound
repetitively and found that it and
"Our Children's Children's" ©69' from
the moody blues have a autism
hypnotic effect in common. In
Madonna's "Ray of Light"©98', track
#13, Mer girl, combined with this
hypnotic track are now on my regular
and rather limited play list. Right now
I carry only 3 CD's worth noting,
and they are the 3 I mentioned and
don't ask me how many times I wore
them out to be replaced like some
habit adquired.
Hmmmmm? Yes, I do have my obssessive
track listening.