izzeme wrote:
meetup.com has groups for nearly any interest you can imagine, and some you can't.
Typically, the groups are safe, but always make sure to take the regular first-timer precautions when meeting a group for the first time. (busy place, busy group, tell someone where you are going, agree to a time you will report in, things like that).
I have not had a group meeting (trough that site) end up being a dud, but being in europe, my experiences might differ.
Interesting you should mention this. Meetup.com has been a major source of social contact for me, even if my social outings have still been relatively few and far between. I am a very cautious and apprehensive person when it comes to meeting strangers for the first time, yet it's not occurred to me to inform someone I know where I'm going when I have a meetup event, nor do I check with anyone. I do, however, tend to avoid Meetup events that have less than 5 people attending, but that is more out of fear there will be less people I can relate to than anything else. The Meetups themselves have been hit and miss for me. Some I really enjoyed, others not so much. Ironically, the one where I've felt most out of place was an Introverts meetup. I was the most socially awkward person there, and that was quite a turn off for everyone else.
clarity of thought before rashness of action