Eh, that's nothing. We have gangs where I live that make these clowns look like Sunday school teachers. Beating up people is about the tamest offense these gang bangers commit here. They're responsible for the drug trafficing, robbings, shootings and all kind of crime. In some neighborhoods, if you're recruited by a gang and you refuse, you could get murdered. Not even the schools, most of which have had to have on-duty police officers on-site, have made much of a dent in the problem.
My cousin was killed a few years ago by a gang member who had to shoot someone as part of his initiation. The shooter didn't know him nor was my cousin ever a bad kid who hung with those types. He just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Yeah I'm glad I don't have a legitimate gang in my little town. What pisses me off is these kids think they are so cool. I almost wish they'd attack me, because I would love to put 7 years of Tae Kwon Do training and 1 1/2 a year of Hapkido to good use. Of course they only beat up little kids, and I can't legitimately use my training unless forced to.