Does anyone else feel like you practically cease to exist when you're forced to deal with nonsense and BS that you can't be honest about? Right now I'm thinking mostly work (I never even interact with any work contacts other than through text, but it still bothers me immensely). Sometimes it's family or other things. Situations that I'm fully aware will be made worse if I express my thoughts or feelings, but where I still can't just isolate myself, and still need to express something coherent.
It's like even just the awareness that there's an unresolved situation of that kind is enough for my whole brain to transmutate. My sleep, digestion and whatnot get out of whack. And it's as if the part of my brain that is normally in charge of informing me who I am gets repurposed for the task of "playing along until this charade is over". When this happens, enjoyable things stop being enjoyable, because the one thing that I want in the universe is for "the charade to be over" so I can go back to believing I don't owe anyone anything. Video games and such can't do that for me, so it's just frustrating.
I believe that if I have a disability, it's really this. I'm technically capable of functioning like a regular adult, but it's incompatible with my existence as a person. It's only compatible with my existence as a zombie / flaming ball of anger / walking existential crisis. In my life as it is, I know it's fortunately temporary. But it really doesn't feel like it is. I feel like I need to just say "alright, f**k this, I'm out" right now or I'll be trapped forever.
and my fake laugh would suddenly sound sincere